Housing Bank Supports the Financial Literacy Program for University Students in Partnership with INJAZ

Housing Bank has provided its support to the financial literacy
program aimed at Jordanian university students, in partnership with INJAZ. This
initiative is part of the national strategy for financial inclusion launched by
the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ), designed to equip young people with the
knowledge and skills necessary to manage their finances effectively, plan for
their financial future, and make informed decisions about their career paths.
The bank’s support for the program reflects its commitment to
supporting CBJ’s efforts toward financial
inclusion. It also aligns with the objectives of Housing Bank’s corporate
social responsibility program, Imkan by Iskan, which focuses on empowerment,
capacity building, and enhancing life skills. Through strategic community
partnerships, the program aims to improve the quality of life for young people
by providing them with practical financial knowledge and experience, especially
in light of rapid digital advancements.
As part of its support, Housing Bank employees visited
several universities, helping to enhance students' financial literacy.
Participating institutions included the University of Jordan, Al al-Bayt
University, Tafila Technical University, and Al-Zaytoonah University. The
program covered key topics that equip students with financial skills applicable
to both their personal and professional lives, including financial planning,
smart expense management, the role of fintech in daily life and the banking
sector, cybersecurity challenges, and job opportunities within banking
It is worth noting that Housing Bank has a long history of
supporting financial education initiatives. In addition to this program, the
bank has implemented and continues to support various educational initiatives,
events, and content aimed at improving financial literacy. The bank also offers
a wealth of educational resources through its Iskan Knowledge section on its
website, providing comprehensive insights and valuable information on the
banking sector and its evolving trends.
About Housing Bank