AMMAN — The National Electric Power
Company (NEPCO) announced that the electrical interconnection projects with
neighboring Arab countries are proceeding according to plans and set timetable
with the aim of enhancing Jordan’s geographical location in delivering energy
to the region, according to a local news outlets.
اضافة اعلان
The company’s 2021 annual report said that technical,
economic, and environmental feasibility studies for the Jordan-Gulf-Egypt
interconnection project have been completed through a global consultant. It
added that coordination is currently being made to draw a map, including
setting a timetable for the project’s phases to be completed.
NEPCO Director General Amjad Rawashdeh stressed the
importance of the Arab electrical interconnection to enhance the stability of
electrical systems in the connected countries, supporting their economies, and
deliver electrical services to the areas that currently do not have them.
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