Jordan exported ‘about $2b’ in clothes last year

3. Clothes
(Photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Representative of the Leather and Garment Industries at the Jordan Chamber of Industry, Ihab Qadri, said on Monday that the garment sector in Jordan saw “a clear recovery in 2021”, due to an increase in exports, according to Hala News.اضافة اعلان

The estimated figures, which Qadri stated were “non-final”, showed a rise in Jordanian clothing exports, reaching about $2 billion, in 2021.

These figures stand close to pre-pandemic statistics from 2019, he said, adding that the percentage of Jordanian clothing exports to the US exceeded 85 percent in 2021.

According to Central Bank data, Jordanian clothing exports increased by JD138 million (13 percent) during November of 2021.

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