SSC to deduct JD1–2 from beneficiaries of Takaful

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Social Security Corporation (SSC) said that the revenues of the Takaful Fund which is planned to be set up under an amendment to the Social Security Law will be executed through a monthly deduction from all those covered by the program, including workers and retirees, according to Khaberni.

The Takaful program seeks to assist SSC subscribers, including retirees with funds that can be used for the college education of their children.

SSC said that an amount of JD1 to JD2 will be deducted per month from each insured person and that depends on the monthly salary of the individual, and then allocated to the Takaful account.

SSC explained that citizens covered by social security and have a monthly salary of less than JD1,000, JD1 will be deducted from their salaries per month. Those whose salaries are JD1,000 or more JD2 will deducted from them, all of which go to the Takaful account.

SSC said that 80 percent of the fines incurred by establishments that are not committed to including their employees in the social security will be transferred to the Takaful account.

Last week, SSC’s board of directors approved the amendments to the Social Security Law, and presented them in a recommendation to the Cabinet to endorse them. اضافة اعلان



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