USAID to boost funding to combat water loss

(Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — Jordan and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) signed an agreement, which sets the stage for disbursing funds to address water loss in the parched Kingdom, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Initially, USAID pledged $152 million, but it agreed to increase the grant to $227 million.

Tuesday’s agreement was signed by Minister of Water and Irrigation Mohamed Al-Najjar and USAID Mission Director Sherry Carlin.

A statement said the total value of three grants from USAID to address water loss in the Kingdom is now $437 million.

The money will be spent on enhancing the efficiency of water resources, and improving the infrastructure of water networks by increasing the capacity of the water supply system. The goal is to reduce water losses by 2 percent each year.

Najjar said the agreement is in line with a national strategy to reduce water losses to less than 25 percent, with the US Agency’s support.

The grant will cover all governorates, while $75 million of the additional funding will be leveraged to upgrade infrastructure and rehabilitate Jordan’s three water companies and the Jordan Valley Authority, the minister pointed out.

Najjar expressed gratitude to USAID for its ongoing assistance in bolstering the water ministry’s efforts to tackle water challenges in the Kingdom.

Increasing the assistance provided is a great investment under USAID’s commitment to empowering the water sector, according to Veronica Lee, deputy director of the Water Resources and Environment Office at USAID. She expressed her deep appreciation for the efforts made to advance the water sector.

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