What are the living costs for a family in Jordan? A website takes a guess

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(Photo: Freepik)
AMMAN — A family of four in Jordan needs approximately JD1,945 to cover its costs per month, according to Expatistan, a website specializing in calculating living costs. اضافة اعلان

The estimated monthly cost per person in Jordan is JD834, the website said, according to Khaberni.

Expatistan is defined as "one of the biggest collaborative cost-of-living databases of prices in the world.”

“This database is constantly updated and improved in a collaborative way by expats all over the world,” the website said.

According to the site, the cost of living in Amman is 215 percent more expensive than the cost of living in Turkey's sixth-largest city, Adana.

The website also placed Amman’s cost of living as nearly equal to the Spanish city of Seville.

However, according to the site, the cost of living in Amman is 37 percent cheaper than Dubai, and the cost of living in Irbid is 5 percent cheaper than in Amman.

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