Jordan Evangelical Council holds Christmas tree lighting ceremony

(Photos: Jordan Evangelical Council)
AMMAN — On Friday, the Jordan Evangelical Council held a Christmas tree lighting ceremony and inaugurated the Christmas Bazaar in the Baptist School’s yard in Rabieh, Amman.  اضافة اعلان

(Photos: Jordan Evangelical Council)

At the event, Priest David Al-Rihani contended that the Christmas season reminds us that the greatest gift we can give each other is the gift of ourselves, adding that “Christmas represents the peak of history ... Christmas is a time of happiness, joy, peace, goodwill, and grace.”  

The tree lighting ceremony was marked by its inclusivity of children with disabilities as there was a sign language interpreter present. 

Rihani lauded the public and private authorities and expressed his appreciation to HH Prince Mired bin Raad for his continuous communication with the Jordanian Evangelical Congregation through the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

(Photos: Jordan Evangelical Council)

Rihani concluded, “To our families and our beloved country, Jordan, and to all of us, Merry Christmas, with further progress under the care of His Majesty King Abdullah and HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, May God protect them.”

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