The Armed Forces: The Battle of Karama, a Glorious Day in the Chronicles of Glory and Heroism

The Armed Forces: The Battle of Karama, a Glorious Day in the Chronicles of Glory and Heroism
The Armed Forces: The Battle of Karama, a Glorious Day in the Chronicles of Glory and Heroism
On the anniversary of the eternal Battle of Karama, we renew our commitment to sacrifice and resilience, as we bask in the glory, heroism, and pride of this fierce battle. It was fought by brave knights who mounted their horses, wielded their swords—only drawn for justice—and marched with dignity and pride in the face of the Israeli army, shattering the myth of the invincible army. Their determination soared to the highest peaks, with their resolve to defeat the Israeli forces, which retreated with shame, defeat, and destruction in their wake.اضافة اعلان

On this auspicious day, the gallant men of the Jordanian Armed Forces were armed with faith and unwavering determination. They fulfilled their duty, trusted in their Lord, and answered the call of justice and duty to defend their sacred land. They planted in the soil of Karama pride and glory, olive trees, palm trees, wild thyme, and za'atar, with their pure, sacred blood and their devoted souls. The earth was marked by the traces of their blessed hands, painting a picture of glory and eternity. The victory, after patience, raised the heads of the free and adorned their foreheads that prostrated to their Lord and sacrificed their lives, ensuring that the homeland remains free and proud.

On the morning of March 21, 1968, the fresh breeze of dawn spread its scent over the vastness of Karama, and the heroes advanced in their ranks, their feet touching the heavens, as they charged towards the enemy forces attempting to desecrate the holy land. But the lions were waiting, roaring from the hills and ridges. The Armed Forces recorded a decisive victory that soared high in the clouds, standing as a testament to the immense sacrifices made in confronting the brutal Israeli army. It remains an indelible mark of the wisdom and courage of their leader, the late King Hussein bin Talal, and the valiant soldiers who stood firm and unyielding.

The Israeli army's goal was to break the military capabilities and morale of the brave Jordanian forces, but it was the Jordanians who reversed the balance of power. The Jordanian army quickly reorganized, occupied new defensive positions on the eastern bank of the Jordan River, and the spirit of combat and resolve remained at its peak. The Jordanian Armed Forces fought fiercely against the Israeli delusions, which had hoped that this would be an easy victory in the heart of Amman and Salt. But the men of Jordan were as steadfast as their towering mountains and rolling hills, and their stance became a powerful slap in the face of the aggressors, marking the beginning of a new era of victory and pride that would be inscribed in history books.

The Israeli assault had been planned from multiple approaches, demonstrating the need for such strategies to accommodate the attacking forces. The goal was to create multiple breaches in various directions to later build upon them and ensure the final objective was achieved. The expansion of the battlefront and the numerous attack routes aimed to confuse and disperse the defense efforts of the Jordanian army. However, the defending forces had carefully planned and established defense lines from the river to deeper areas, making it difficult for the attackers to break through.

Artillery and armor played a significant role in the Battle of Karama, especially in controlling the crossing bridges, preventing the Israeli army from bringing in reinforcements to sustain their attack. The Israeli attackers lost the element of surprise, which significantly weakened their momentum. The Jordanian forces' resilience and defense prevented the enemy from regrouping and launching any new attacks, effectively neutralizing their advances.

The Israeli army, due to the intense artillery fire and resilience of the Jordanian defenses, was forced to request a ceasefire. This demonstrated the strength of the Jordanian defenses and the scale of the challenge the Israeli forces faced. The Battle of Karama was a life-and-death struggle for the Jordanian Armed Forces, and politically, Jordan, through the words of His Majesty the late King Hussein, refused to cease fire as long as a single Israeli soldier remained on the eastern bank of the river.

At the end of the battle, the Israeli forces had completely failed in their military operations, achieving none of their goals. The objectives they had set were shattered by the unyielding resolve of the Jordanian army, which proved to the enemy that it could continue fighting in battle after battle, breaking the enemy's attempts to undermine Jordan and its steadfastness.

The Battle of Karama demonstrated the importance of the will of the Jordanian soldier, who displayed immense skill and determination. It was an example of the high morale and readiness of the Arab army, which was prepared for this moment of revenge and justice. The battle also highlighted the importance of preparation, planning, and effective execution, especially the role of intelligence. The Israeli army failed to achieve the element of surprise, as the Jordanian military intelligence had been closely monitoring the situation and providing vital reports.

The sun of March 21 set only after heralding victory and carrying the souls of the martyrs to the heavens. Between the trenches, there were tales of patience and steadfastness, and in the hills and plains of Karama, the sound of fighters’ voices echoed with Takbir, rushing towards martyrdom with joy and enthusiasm. With every bullet and shell fired, cheers rang out, and from above the tanks and beneath their tracks, the news of the glorious victory spread. The martyrs' names were immortalized in the pure soil of Karama, forever marking their sacrifice for the land of dignity and pride. Peace be upon the leader of Karama and the one who crafted its victory, and peace be upon the martyrs who watered the land of Karama with their pure blood.