Fair weather forecast over next 3 days-JMD

amman weather
Fair weather forecast over next 3 days-JMD
Amman - The weather Saturday will be relatively hot almost countrywide and blistering in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said.اضافة اعلان

According to the JMD report, the weather Sunday will remain substantially similar as the day earlier.

On Monday, a slight drop in temperatures is forecast and the weather will be fair in the mountainous areas and plains, and hot in the other regions.

The department also noted the weather on Tuesday will continue to remain moderate.

Also today, temperatures in the capital Amman will hit a high of 35 degrees Celsius and a low of 23?, meanwhile the port city of Aqaba will see a scorching 43? during the day, sliding to 30? at night.

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