Warm weather forecast Thursday, pleasant over weekend

Warm weather forecast Thursday, pleasant over weekend
Amman - Thursday's weather will be warm across most regions, with relatively hot to hot conditions in the desert, the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba.اضافة اعلان

Clouds will appear at medium and high altitudes, accompanied by moderate northwesterly winds, occasionally becoming active.

According to the Jordan Meteorological Department's report, temperatures are expected to drop significantly on Friday. Therefore, the weather will be pleasant in most areas and hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, with some low-altitude clouds in the northern part of the Kingdom. Active northwesterly winds will cause dust, particularly in Badia regions.

The forecast for Saturday and Sunday indicates continued pleasant weather in most regions, with hot conditions persisting in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba.

Some low-altitude clouds are expected in the northern and center areas of the country, with moderate northwesterly winds that will be active at times.

Today’s maximum and minimum temperatures in eastern Amman range between 19-32 degrees Celsius, in western Amman 17-30C, in the northern highlands 14-27C, in the Sharah highlands 13-28C, and in the Gulf of Aqaba 24-42 degrees Celsius.

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