Veteran, rising Jordanian artists to shine light on Jerusalem’s identity

Foresight32 Art Gallery on Monday launched its new art exhibition today, titled “Jerusalem... Earth’s Gate to the Sky.” (Photo: Foresight32)
AMMAN – Foresight32 Art Gallery on Monday launched its new art exhibition today, titled “Jerusalem... Earth’s Gate to the Sky.”اضافة اعلان

Located at Foresight32 on Ibn Al Roumi Street, the show will be open every day except Friday, from 10am-7pm until July 8.

“The exhibition is primarily concerned with Jerusalem and is a product of the events that have recently taken place in the region, namely Israeli aggression in the Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan (neighborhoods),” gallery owner Suad Issawi told Jordan News.

“It is a form of solidarity with Palestinians,” she said. Twenty percent of the event’s proceeds will be donated to Gaza through the Palestine International Institute (PII).

The exhibition’s pamphlet explains that Jerusalem has always been of interest to artists, who depict its neighborhoods, staircases, mountains, and historical sites in their own ways. The paintings at Foresight32 feature unique depictions of the Dome of the Rock, Palestinian women, green landscapes, and olive trees.

The exhibition promotes close to 40 works by 14 artists, including “some of the pioneers that have built the foundations of fine art in Jordan, like Rafiq Lahham and Yasser Dwaik, in addition to younger generations of artists” said Issawi.

“They are all well-known in the Jordanian community as skilled Jordanian artists,” she added.

Issawi explained that the paintings on display use a variety of media, like water paints, oil paints, and acrylics, and belong to different schools of art including abstract art, realism, and expressionism. 

“We tried to include artists with different skills, techniques, and across age groups… we also focused on female representation,” Issawi added.

The exhibition was curated over the course of one month. While some works were painted for this very event, others are older paintings, with some dating back to the 1980s. Nonetheless, they are all tied by the common theme of showcasing “Jerusalem’s Arab and Palestinian identity.”

“This is my first time at this gallery, and my assessment of it is that it is excellent,” one visitor told Jordan News. “I’ve been to and participated in many exhibits. Most of them display varying degrees of talent, but I’ve noticed that all the works on display here are of high caliber. Each painting is more beautiful than the next.”

Speaking about her own art – to which one room of the exhibit is dedicated – Issawi emphasized that she focuses primarily on energy and symbols of luck in different cultures. She chooses her colors depending on their energy and believes that blue exudes creativity while green exudes love.

On one wall hang several mirrors adorned with pomegranates, fish, and wings – symbols that Issawi is deeply fond of. When visitors stand in front of the mirror, they absorb the energy associated with those symbols, she explained.

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