The 36th European Film Festival kicks off on 13 September

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The 36th European Film Festival kicks off on 13 September
Amman -  For the 36 consecutive year, the European Union is pleased to organise a European Film Festival in Jordan, with free screening of more than 25 European and Jordanian films subtitled in both Arabic and English. اضافة اعلان
The program includes dramas, comedies, thrillers, animation and family movies. It will also feature workshops, and panel discussions, led by industry experts and renowned filmmakers.

As part of the European Film Festival, a special event will be organised on 27 September with European filmmakers who have authored a portray of Gaza, to pay tribute to resilience and to all the innocent victims of the war.

The closing night on 30 September will celebrate Jordanian cinema by showcasing five compelling short films: "Abed," "Dinar," "The Red Sea Makes Me Wanna Cry," "The Woodland," and "An Olive Branch", highlighting the diverse storytelling and creative talent emerging from Jordan's filmmaking scene.

Commenting on the European Film Festival, the EU Ambassador to Jordan, H.E. Pierre-Christophe CHATZISAVAS, noted:  “This year, there can be no business as usual. Both Jordan and Europe are in the front lines of devastating wars. The need to abide by international law has never been more vital. Our 36th European Film festival will bring evidence that cinema and arts can also contribute to that goal by fostering a culture of peace.”

As part of the Festival, a "Mobile Film Competition" organised in collaboration with SAE Institute Jordan will offer Jordan's young aspiring filmmakers an opportunity to showcase their creativity under the theme "Culture through My Lens".

The Festival is organised in collaboration with EU Member States' Embassies and European Cultural Institutes with the support of the Royal Film Commission, the Greater Amman Municipality, SAE Institute, LOYAC and Orange Jordan.

Media partnerships include: Mood FM, Beat FM, Watar FM

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