Jordan’s return to minimalism

A novel concept or a rediscovery of an age-old lifestyle?

Jordan’s return to minimalism
Minimalist At Heart (@minimalistatheart).

Minimalism is all about embracing simplicity and letting go of excessive accumulation. It is a movement that prioritizes experiences, relationships, and personal growth over material possessions. And in Jordan, where approximately 3 tonnes of waste are generated per year, or equivalent to 6 Burj Khalifa’s per year, according to Beitak Baytak, a warm embrace to minimalism, not only helps declutter space, but can also help the local environment.

According to the same statistic, by 2050, the total annual waste in Jordan is predicted to rise to 6 million tonnes. While minimalism was introduced to the western world by Marie Kondo, it is not necessarily a new phenomenon, even to those living in the region. For decades, many nomads, shepherds, and farmers, simply lived off of what they only needed, not through decadence, the case was to use the land around them, rather than making space, saving space.

Now, in a new world, where shopping, clothing stores, and sales almost seem to glimmer throughout every corner in Amman, the saying “less is more” tends to get oversaturated with the amount of stuff there simply is in the city.

Transformation: embracing simplicity 
Indeed, Jordan has experienced a surge in abundance with the rise of consumerism and the availability of various products. This shift has led to an increase in material possessions and a culture centered around acquiring more stuff. So, the story goes, not to simply embrace the new western term of minimalism, but to simply shift back to what was here in the Kingdom before.

Isam Jundi decided to embrace a minimalist lifestyle and his motivation was…his mother. In an interview with Jordan News, Jundi said “growing up in a family, especially my mom, that prioritized organization and avoiding unnecessary accumulation, the concept of minimalism became ingrained in me subconsciously. It is a system that has shaped my perspective on living with less and finding value in simplicity.”

He continued by saying “I was overwhelmed by the clutter in my home and the realization of how much I was contributing to the waste problem. Minimalism seemed like the answer to both.”

Jundi took the first step towards minimalism by organizing his living space and storing unused items at his parents’ house. While minimalism has many positive aspects, there are some challenges facing people who follow it as a way of life. He highlighted “one of the challenges I faced with this lifestyle was my strong attachment to certain collectibles. But as time went on, I started to realize that if these things don’t bring me happiness and I don’t even use them, it is probably best to let them go.  “Told Jordan News.

As far as strategies he uses, he highlighted “one strategy I use to overcome that attachment is to take pictures of my belongings and save them digitally and have a pack up for the backups and I put them in several locations. It is like digitizing them and storing them on a hard drive. Whenever I want to experience the feeling of having those items with me, I can just look at the photos. It is a great way to preserve the memories without cluttering up physical space.”

To strike balance and pursue multiple hobbies Jundi said “I encountered a challenge with organizing the necessary equipment since I have a lot of hobbies. However, I discovered a solution by designating specific boxes and dedicated spaces for each hobby’s equipment. This approach helped me overcome the problem and maintain a tidy and effective setup” he added.

And minimalism has even taken precedence in his professional life. As a photographer, Jundi highlighted that he has even deemed himself as a minimalist photographer, where he used to take over 20 pictures before getting the perfect shot. However, once he started embracing minimalism, he started to take 5 to 7 photos, realizing it is about capturing the moment and the essence of the photograph.

Increasing pressure on the waste management and infrastructure
While having stuff around us may make us feel safe, stable, and even part of the culture that highlights social status in the country, according to EcoMena, this is not necessarily the case. In an interview with Jordan News, EcoMena  highlighted “the growing industrialization and high population growth rate has led to rapid increase in solid waste generation in the country which has, in turn, put increasing pressure on waste management infrastructure.”

For Malak Izraqi, she told Jordan News that she is not only a minimalist, but uses it as an opportunity to be more sustainable as well. For her, minimalism is a vessel that helps her practice upcycling and recycling to continue to reduce waste. This extends even to her home in repurposing old furniture and finding innovative ways to reuse them.

Making the most out of what you have
She said, “it is not just about having less; it is about making the most of what you have."

And if you don’t know where to start, certain programs in the community have made it certainly easier. Just a small Facebook search led us to find events such as clothes and book swaps, which are frequently hosted by Prana Space[3] , or garage sale groups where you can sell and purchase items that are used, including a sustainable group.

So as a parting gift, here is how to embrace minimalism, not the Kondo way, but the Nashmi way.

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  1. Each season, take inventory of your clothing. Experts recommend trying on every piece, feeling how it fits, and noting your feelings. Create a seasonal catalog on your phone. If something doesn't fit or serve a purpose, consider donating it within your family or making a list of friends who might need it.

  2. When grocery shopping, make an effort to use reusable bags instead of plastic ones. If you must use plastic bags, try to reduce their use gradually.

  3. Before making a purchase, inquire within your circle to see if someone you know already has the item you need. This reduces the need for new purchases while still fulfilling your requirements.

  4. Organize your home with dedicated storage space for everything. Label and maintain it systematically.

  5. Ladies, streamline your beauty products. While it's tempting to buy the latest makeup or skincare items, assess what you can use, reuse, or discard before acquiring new ones.

  6. Medicine is often wasted in households. Create a designated storage area for medications, regularly discard expired ones, and keep seasonal supplies to help declutter effectively.

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