Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You may be happy to try new activities on for size. When you are a trailblazer who rocks the latest trends, other people could imitate your sense of style. You might be the main character in a game of "follow the leader."اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You are likely doing well and easily managing the unexpected or unusual. Play the game of life and show off your high scores in bright lights at the top of the board. You may face some jealousy when you are the brightest star.

GEMINI: Your thirst for information may be quenched by drinking from a fountain of knowledge. Listen to respected authorities on a favored subject or check out a recent book. You do not need to spend money to hang out with trusted and amusing friends.

CANCER: Acting on your instincts can help you make your next event one to remember. Romantic relationships can move along at an exhilarating pace, but watch for important red flags if someone is too possessive or stirring up jealousy.

LEO: Someone might rely on you for wise advice or mentoring. A mellow atmosphere may make it a wonderful time for singles to go out and try the latest dining or dancing hot spot. Family get-togethers might be more appealing for couples.

VIRGO: Positive outlooks and high spirits can go hand in hand. Cheerful moments with a good friend or romantic partner can offer a chance to recuperate from intense business exchanges. A tricky workplace problem could be a current headache.

LIBRA: Drum up some enthusiasm and you may find someone to go along with you on out-of-the-ordinary outings. You might land in the spotlight and need a companion by your side. Fresh places and new faces can lend some excitement to your day.

SCORPIO: Experience fun and exhilaration everywhere you go if you indulge in your taste for trendsetting entertainment. You may get to have some alone time with a romantic partner or enjoy a relaxing staycation with a close friend.

Put plans in motion that you may have had on hold. You should have the determination and the support you need from well-wishers to reach your goals. Someone may give your morale a boost by praising your work ethic or talents.

CAPRICORN: You could be lulled into a false sense of security. Analyze your risks before you make a change. You can certainly trust the people you know and love but be cautious if your money is in the hands of strangers.

AQUARIUS: It is possible that some budget shortfalls stem from following the wrong advice, or from a lack of paying attention. This might be a suitable time to change tactics and adopt a more detailed and comprehensive financial plan.

PISCES: A few hours of being together may have you floating on a cloud, but to get through the day, you also need to remain grounded in reality. A partner or loved one can offer practical advice that could really help you in an unusual situation.

IF APRIL 7 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: During the upcoming four to five weeks, your personal magnetism is intensified, making it a great time to appear in public or display your talents. You could make a love commitment or take your career to new levels by making a change in your status. In late May, your financial intelligence should be at a peak, making that an appropriate time to address your budget. Steer clear of financial gimmicks and romantic infatuations in July and early August when you are likely to be more trusting and less realistic than usual. September could be an excellent time to escape on a romantic vacation or exciting friends getaway.

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