Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Display a cheerful outlook to attract good people, things and opportunities. Be clear about your goals and recognize real friends. A good friend could provide the sound advice or encouragement you need.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You might fall prey to your own wishful thinking or be tempted to get too close to gray areas. A smart move could be to ask a partner or loved one for their opinion before you buy something or make a commitment.

GEMINI: You can plot and plan with the best of them. You may know how to gently wrap a business adversary around your little finger and could have the vision to go further than others. Show them you know there’s enough for everyone.

CANCER: Something may not add up. You may have been staying within the budget but there could be some confusion over a bill, a receipt or a lost set of keys. Grab every opportunity to enjoy your fun-loving side.

LEO: You possess a flair for the dramatic and contagious enthusiasm to perform at your highest level. Use your creative skills to create something that reflects your individual idealism and taps into a deep well of knowledge.

VIRGO: If a tuxedo or stilettos are required, you may want to take a rain check. You might be happier relaxing in sweatpants and kicks. Buy something that shows off your astute negotiation skills and purchasing savvy.

LIBRA: You may bask in extra attention on the social rounds when you pair up with high-caliber people. Make a favorable impression on influential acquaintances. Surprise a loved one with thoughtful and imaginative warmhearted gestures.

SCORPIO: Appreciate the strength of friendships and affectionate ties. You may have a support system at work as well as at home. A spirit of cooperation around a workplace can make any job easier and a pleasure to perform.

SAGITTARIUS: Money might be the root of all good if you are generous and help other people. Your honesty and commitment to a cause may earn favorable attention. Let your inner child out for recess but do not forget possible deadlines.

CAPRICORN: Your horizons could grow wider if you look up from your desk. Money and material success might not be everything. Seek some quiet time when you can contemplate the realm of possibilities and put things in perspective.

AQUARIUS: Foster teamwork and let someone else share the load. Ask for assistance if you have been working in isolation or have been afraid to ask for support. Spend time with optimistic people who can uplift your spirits.

PISCES: Spread the wealth. Treat a loved one to something special. Centering yourself may help you rise above worries that threaten to drag you down. Find a few moments of peace and quiet to recharge your spiritual batteries.

IF APRIL 28 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Your spirits may be riding high on a swell of inspiring ideas that help you make sensible choices during the coming three to four weeks. Your social calendar could be popping, and friends could frequently interrupt your train of thought. Late June is an ideal time to review your goals and plans since you could be wiser and more farseeing than usual. You could attract people and situations that are good for you in some way. Since you could make sound decisions, late June or early July might be the right time to put some of your plans into motion. July can bring a new romance or a chance to embark on a vacation that lives up to your fantasies. Your business sense is enhanced in early August but avoid getting involved in anything risky or that might not be what it appears to be in the second half of the month.

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