Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Work as though every step you take is under a microscope. Group meetings and creative activities might be of more value than one-on-one negotiations. This is a poor time to make a major investment or expenditure.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Friendly conversations, organizational meetings or social gatherings might take up more of your time than usual. This is a time when it is to your advantage to observe protocols on the job and in business settings.

GEMINI: Hold up your own end. Someone else might not be up to par or performing at their best. This should not be a concern if you have taken care of your own duties. You might resent someone seeming to take the easy way out.

CANCER: Your intuitions might be right on target, so it should be safe to be decisive when offered a choice. You may be brimming over with creative ideas and concepts and possess the drive and initiative to see them through to completion.

LEO: Business and pleasure can mix when you are in the appropriate group. Your astute observations and delicate approach to newsworthy subjects may elevate conversations. Enjoy comfortable interactions with coworkers or friends.

VIRGO: You might not get what you want but instead get what someone thinks you want. Someone could try to prove their affection by doing something they imagine will please you. Reward the intention and gently clarify what is needed.

LIBRA: Imitation is better than irritation. If you must attend a required social gathering, follow someone’s lead and you may avoid a misstep. You might be susceptible to flattery designed to change opinions.

SCORPIO: Your generosity of spirit can leave a good impression. Sure, you might go overboard but that is part of your charm. You and a close companion might produce a profitable and sound business strategy.

SAGITTARIUS: A passing dilemma can turn into a duel if you take it personally. Remember, people’s behavior is about them, not about you. Build your confidence and be realistic. Focus on hobbies and upcoming entertainments.

CAPRICORN: When things are going smoothly, there is no reason to rock the boat. Remain objective and skeptical when you hear gossip since there could be the potential for false rumors. You may be prepared to grant or call in favors.

AQUARIUS: Tighten the purse strings and put the credit card on ice. You may regret adding more recurring debts to your budget A savvy partner or close confidante will be glad to give you sound business and financial advice.

PISCES: Try not to let suspicions take root and spread. Make a good impression by doing exactly what you are supposed to do. You can let your imagination run free when you are at work on a creative project.

IF MAY 11 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: The upcoming six to eight weeks can be exciting as well as challenging because some section of your life might be undergoing a dramatic transformation. Influential people may come into your life and change your outlook while others may leave. Uncertainty can leave you irritated and on edge in mid-June when you would be wise to slow down and take your time rather than jumping headfirst into something new. Your social life can turn up a notch in July, giving you opportunities to join a new group, gym or club. Take a vacation or a romantic weekend escape in August when you might have the time and money to explore your fantasies. Sit tight in September when you could be led astray by false advertising. In October, your business sense is at a high point, so review your finances and create sound tactics.

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