Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You may feel some people are not giving it their all but remember not everyone works at the same pace as you. Rather than dwell on a stressful situation, focusing on something else could help to take your mind off it temporarily.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You might need to drop everything to follow up on a lead. Your need for excitement can put you in an awkward position. Someone may not be ready for a last-minute change in plans so keep their feelings in mind if you move plans around.

GEMINI: You may be floating in a sea of ideas but might not see a way to put them to work for you right now. Future plans could appear more promising later on. A wise friend or partner may give you some needed support or encouragement.

Experimentation can often trigger excitement. You may be feeling a need to rebel against convention or change your established plans. You could still charm your audience while remaining determined to reach your long-term goals.

Tread carefully around sensitive topics. Vague or confusing directions may make it difficult to decide on plans or show up on time. Wait for better timing to make major purchases or crucial changes to your investment strategies.

VIRGO: You may be on top of your game but feeling unappreciated by others right now. It can be tempting to become too controlling when dictating outcomes. Use your thoughtfulness to manage an unexpected turn of events that might occur.

LIBRA: Someone you know could refuse to follow the crowd. Set a boundary if you don’t want to try out something trendy that might not suit your personal style. You could lose interest in a job that offers you fewer rewards than expected.

SCORPIO: You may be eager to try something out of the ordinary. You can impress others with a knack for incorporating original elements into your work. A temporary “time out” in a relationship might restore harmony in the long term.

SAGITTARIUS: You can brighten someone's day by treating them to lunch or bringing them a cup of coffee. Managing chores or doing minor fixes around the house could be a priority right now. A loved one may be harboring unrealistic notions.

CAPRICORN: If someone breaks the rules, you may need to play referee to keep the peace; your sensible approach can allow you to be the voice of reason in a dispute. Confusing situations can be diffused with ease if you listen.

Your courtesy can make a good impression on people, and you should be able to muster the good grace to welcome unexpected visitors. Remain open-minded when someone shares their possibly unconventional ideas or opinions.

PISCES: Disharmony may only exist in your imagination, but you could still decide to close the book and move on to another. Try to remain patient and understanding even if it feels like everyone is in opposition to your ideas or wishes.

IF JUNE 16 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: A defensive manner could land you in hot water during the next two to three weeks. You may have a dream but may not be able to make it a reality right now, so let your ideas simmer at least until after the middle of July. Refrain from reacting in a drastic manner in early August when people in close connection can be undependable or changeable. Important opportunities may manifest in mid-August, and that could be a time when anything that is beneficial for you is more likely to run smoothly once started. Consider making major changes and financial decisions while your intelligence and business acumen are likely heightened in late August. Late September could be a critical time when a knee-jerk reaction or impulsive decision could have regrettable results. Take steps toward improving your health in October.

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