Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You may be skilled at explaining procedures or complex concepts better than others. Loved ones may ask for your insights and trust your word. Donate time and expertise to an organization or group when you can.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: This could be a time to go out in the world and explore. Your networking skills can be helpful in gaining the support of allies who can support your causes. Don’t put money on the line when it comes to investment decisions.

GEMINI: Take your time and listen before making important decisions; you could be making choices based on wishful thinking instead of facts. Launching new initiatives or projects could be risky right now, wait for more information before acting.

CANCER: Beginning something new could be a real gamble right now; some of the financial details may be obscured. Take this time to focus on having an enjoyable time with family and friends and put business aspirations on the back burner for now.

LEO: Consider the lay of the land before making a final decision or plotting your final course. Gauge the general mood before sharing controversial thoughts or opinions, and know you might not see the pitfalls and potholes as clearly now.

VIRGO: Time can heal many wounds. Complicated issues may work out for the best if you are able to let some time pass. You could be the one who puts the essential framework and plans together for social activities or community gatherings.

LIBRA: You may have an urge to stand out in a crowd or make a fashion statement. Make sure to pay your fair share when it comes to social occasions; someone might expect you to do more than just make an appearance.

SCORPIO: You may have more fun than expected if you participate in community events or group gatherings. Your good taste could be questioned based on impulse purchases of extravagant possessions. Capitalize on close connections with loved ones.

SAGITTARIUS: Favors could come with some hidden strings attached. You may need to prepare for the worst but hope for the best. There could be some confusion but if you put some faith in others, it can be beneficial to reaching a fair solution.

CAPRICORN: While you may be knowledgeable about the ways of the world, it does not always mean that your plans are going to be foolproof. You could gain some cheerful companionship  when you might least expect it but need it the most.

AQUARIUS: If you stash money away in a safe place now, you can use it to treat yourself to something wonderful in the future when the time is right. Try to avoid making new promises or new commitments for the time being.

PISCES: Anxiety can sometimes be confused for intuition. If a situation feels desperate, take a step back. Remain optimistic and you could find that things work out. Do not meddle in situations, things can fall into place without interference.

IF JUNE 17 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You might be distracted by something that is not realistic during the four to five weeks ahead. If you are overly competitive, you could rub people the wrong way. Late July can be a fun time to socialize or attend group gatherings while your friendly and cooperative side is enhanced. Avoid making key changes or decisions however since you may be unaware of some pitfalls. Consider launching important personal plans during mid-August when you may receive some extra help from the universe or sincere prayers could be answered. Your ambitions can grow rapidly during the last half of August when you have an enhanced grasp of sound financial strategies. Tend to everything needing attention carefully in November and December when your resistance to outside influences might be at a low point.

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