Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Even fairy tale protagonists can face deadlines and hard work to reach their happily ever after. You may need to remain focused on more menial chores for the time being in order to highlight your talents and skills.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: It may be best to put expensive purchases or riskier investments to the side for now. Seemingly sure things could easily fall apart if undertaken without first thoroughly researching all possible outcomes.

GEMINI: Relationships could hit a few snags if promises or commitments are not honored, it may be best to avoid making important ones for now. Remain optimistic but noncommittal until you know you can follow through.

CANCER: Try to give friends the benefit of the doubt. Joining in on group activities may be a welcome distraction from possible surprises that could compromise your efforts or cause a temporary setback in your plans.

LEO: You can work hard without becoming a workaholic. Earn some kudos and get some financial rewards for being persistent and enthusiastic. Try not to be waylaid by daydreams when you should be doing something else.

VIRGO: This could be a great time to declutter and clean up your living space. You may be able to unearth some great business ideas that can be put to effective use while putting any unnecessary policies away.

LIBRA: Challenging opinions can result in a misunderstanding or conflicts; it is often best to not put more fuel on the fire. You might not always agree with someone, but they could still have the best of intentions at heart.

SCORPIO: Newfound acquaintances could be there to lend a helping hand or bring a new moneymaking opportunity your way. An idea that has been sitting in the back of your mind could spell success downstream in the material world.

SAGITTARIUS: Even if a loved one starts to have doubts, do your best to remain optimistic and enthusiastic. You may feel thrown off by someone’s whirlwind of emotions but do your best to remain fair and understanding.

CAPRICORN: You may find that some policies or tactics have outlived their usefulness and you may want to replace them with something more sensible. Ambitions can be pursued without making major changes to your work habits.

AQUARIUS: Many of life’s pleasures can cost you little to nothing. A lack of funds might not be solved just by opening a new bank or credit account but making small financial changes could add up in the long run.

PISCES: Sometimes life may seem full of disappointments, or you could feel you are not living up to your own expectations. Loved ones and self-love can remind you that the totality of your life is not lessened by passing setbacks.

IF JUNE 18 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: The five to six weeks ahead may bring challenges that test your strength of character. You may be more sensitive to environmental factors so you could develop allergies or have a negative reaction to unpleasant people. September is a time when your wisdom about finances and investments is enhanced, and you can easily make permanent improvements. This could allow you to achieve a sense of lasting security in at least one sector of your life and you may benefit because other people will be more generous toward you than usual. Lay low in November when you might need to fight off a hair trigger reaction to someone or something that can disrupt your peaceful existence. December is an ideal time to pursue a creative activity or indulge in a romance-filled vacation.

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