Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Honoring a promise and following through on your course of action can prove your commitment to a cause. You may decide it is time to put new ambitions aside for now so that you can focus on catching up on your to-do list.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Distractions may keep popping up or chasing you away from your goals at the moment. When you avoid important steps, you could fall behind and it can be hard to remain focused on tasks needed to reach the finish line.

GEMINI: Be friendly but try to remain neutral until you are fully in tune with the people you meet. Avoid becoming entangled in gossip that could lead to quarrels. Navigating through other people’s ideas can sometimes be difficult.

CANCER: Working side by side with a loved one or partner could reinvigorate you with excitement and purpose. Pressures to be a top performer may briefly put you on edge, but you can rise above and put things in their place.

LEO: A surge may not be seasonal, so prepare for the long haul when you can. You could find you have too much work and not enough people to manage the load. Try not to stretch things too thin and focus on stabilizing for now.

VIRGO: You may face people with a unique outlook on life and a distinctive style of brainstorming. Try to practice patience to avoid unintentionally starting a disagreement if people seem to see things in a more rigid way.

LIBRA: You may know exactly what to say to charm people who can lend a helping hand when the chips are down. Sincerity could be the special key to making a partnership or friendship grow. Try to avoid impulsive decisions.

SCORPIO: You may be a beacon of friendliness who attracts adoring fans. Sympathetic people could make themselves known, be sure to pay attention if they do. If words fail, try a metaphor to help to get the message across.

SAGITTARIUS: You may find that your work pile is growing while your interest is falling. Try not to let yourself get distracted in a cycle of finding new and interesting things to take your attention away from what needs to be done.

CAPRICORN: There may be profitable opportunities waiting for you if you are willing to take a chance. You might have done the arduous work and put in the time — all that is left now is to get the courage to step up and knock on that door.

AQUARIUS: You could achieve a big payoff while exerting little effort if you have the support of a cooperative partner or friend. A family member or friend could be full of original ideas and be delighted to try something new.

PISCES: In a digital world, it can be important to remember that some things may last forever. Evidence of your more chaotic moments could be easily accessed to satisfy someone else’s curiosity or alleviate their boredom.

IF JULY 4 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Once a new goal has captured your imagination, you may be willing to put your all into it and keep moving until you have achieved it. However, there may be times during the next three weeks when dreams could interfere with your progress or appearances are deceiving. Romantic wishes could prevent you from pursuing something more important. Excess energy makes you a powerful competitor in August and September but may also make you seem pushy, so avoid friction. Your business sense and astute approach to moneymaking tasks should be enhanced in early October, making it a likely time to reassess financial strategies. Enjoy recognition or an offer that could improve your future in November. Since your foresight is at a peak, you can put crucial plans into motion with a high chance for success.

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