Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You could be taking responsibility for something that was beyond your control. Try not to let petty things get you down. Following the rules and doing your best may help others to see the valuable part you can play.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Choose to remain unique. Sometimes rules may not make sense when tied to old technology or procedures. You can bring light to the issues and set the future in motion. With an appropriate attitude you can trend by yourself.

GEMINI: Times may have changed but you might notice that the rules have remained the same. It could take more time before the policies can be altered to fit the conditions of today. Stick to the established rule book for now.

CANCER: Chasing fads can be pointless. Try to resist the urge to follow the crowd unless you are sure you have your eye on something with substance. You may receive more attention than usual so remain on your best behavior.

LEO: Style can be a state of mind. The classics seldom go out of style, but you could find the newest fad is right up your alley. Being unapologetically yourself will never fall out of favor so put your truest self out there.

VIRGO: If you find yourself stranded by indecision or the fear of the incorrect choice, it may not yet be time to act. Weigh the options and analyze each option but if no decision can be made, wait for the clarity needed.

LIBRA: First impressions can be important but sometimes they do not go the way we want. You may have had moments where you stumbled so remember to give others the benefit of the doubt. It could be time to give someone another look.

SCORPIO: You do not need to disappear into the background — take a step forward and talk to someone with a different viewpoint. You can find interesting people if you go outside your comfort zone, opportunities may be waiting.

SAGITTARIUS: You may find that life is suddenly becoming more complicated. You cannot fix someone else’s life or choices. Take a step back and let them try to resolve things on their own but be ready to be there if they need you.

CAPRICORN: Now may be the time to take a step away from your usual community. Talk to new and interesting people, ask more philosophical questions and explore areas you did not think to explore. Hold on to the wisdom you find there.

AQUARIUS: If you are hunting for financial advice, you may need to start looking for expertise outside your bubble of loved ones. A guy who knows a guy might not be the road to endless wealth but could be a much-needed stepping-stone.

PISCES: People who created a problem may not be able to fix it alone. You might have become twisted up in some issues and cannot find the solution. It could be time to get a fresh perspective from outside your usual channels.

IF JULY 10 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Enjoy a vacation, a romantic weekend or an inspiring experience during the next two to three weeks while you are buoyed up by the thought of endless possibilities. Unrealistic expectations, however, can be costly in August when dreaming can get in the way of true accomplishment. Keep your temper under control and burn off excess energy in constructive activities in September when you could tend to be more defensive than usual. Partnerships could have more downs than ups, but any solid relationship should survive misunderstandings. Your intelligence and financial skills are enhanced in the second half of October, making it a potentially suitable time to review investments and business policies. In January, consider embracing an interesting opportunity that comes along.

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