Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Stretch your time as much as possible to fulfill your promises. Someone may not be convinced by your words, but could be swayed by your excellent example. Treat yourself or someone special to an impulsive and entertaining outing.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Try to avoid micromanaging every bit of a project. Do your part well and facilitate teamwork; you may get better results and prevent feelings from being hurt. There is no I in team. Success can be built on the foundation of cooperation.

GEMINI: Create your own happy ending. It may be time for you to step into truly being brighter and more upbeat from the inside out. Things can keep improving; keep your bills paid and everything can sort itself out.

CANCER: It may be helpful to remember that most people might not want to give things away without expecting something in return. Ignore attractive temptations that could waste your time or entangle your heart.

LEO: You may have been mumbling your way through a bunch of ideas, waiting for a spark to kick things into high gear. Consider yourself sparked and take advantage of this newfound energy to make projects come to life.

VIRGO: It may be time to learn the value of negotiation and compromise. You might not end up completely happy if you are not willing to try and find balance. Look for the win-win and build a foundation of trust and support.

LIBRA: Applying charm and fairness can yield more favorable results. It might be easy to get distracted by slogans right now. If there are family disagreements, you could be challenged to remain impartial to reach a solution.

SCORPIO: Smiling can activate happiness centers in the brain. Embrace a hopeful outlook and an enthusiastic demeanor and you could find your mindset can change how you see and react to people and events.

SAGITTARIUS: You deserve the recognition you receive and everything that may come with it. This could make the future you want easier to access and enjoy. Praise can mean more in the long run than short term rewards.

CAPRICORN: Avoid any fleeting distraction that could detract from your sense of purpose. If you slow down before you have completed the course, it’s unlikely that you’ll reach the finish line first. It might be time for you to claim your power.

AQUARIUS: Seek out wisdom that could help prevent you from making mistakes. If you knock on the door but it does not open, it’s protecting you from something on the other side that would be a bad option.

PISCES: You may have been running too fast lately and letting trivial things pile up while you end up more frantic. Stop and take a breath. Once you slow down and concentrate, all the craziness can fade away. Patience will be a virtue.

IF AUGUST 10 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You may aspire to improve things during the next five to six weeks. Enjoy a vacation, romantic meeting, or just imagine what you could do with the perfect opportunities. Your urge to prove yourself as a wheeler dealer with money or business could backfire in September and October, so hold off on new strategies and investments for now. However, your charisma could hit a high point in October so be prepared to show off your talents on the job or make a move upward with your career. If you are single, someone compatible might show up to change your destiny or a current romantic partner could be ready to make a crucial promise. Focus on social networking and making new connections in late October and early November rather than being competitive or challenging authority.

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