Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Collaboration and cooperation might be easier than usual to achieve right now. This might be an ideal time to come to an agreement or strike a deal. Someone you care about could be yearning to satisfy a romantic desire.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: It could be difficult to settle down to a tedious routine. You might be searching for ways to quench a restless thirst for excitement. Lucky for you family members may offer you plenty of fun ideas for your home.

GEMINI: It might not be necessary to stand on top of a mountain to find inspiration. The most valuable ideas can be induced by interacting with the neighbors or email contacts. Now is not a suitable time to make major investments.

CANCER: Concentrate on building solid friendships. Although an attractive person in your immediate vicinity could win your attention and respect, that does not mean you should consider or pursue them as a romantic partner.

LEO: You may enjoy being the center of attention. Your ability to charm or inspire others can be your ticket to success. There might be moments when your trusting nature could be stretched to its limits by unpredictable people.

VIRGO: Your goals may have hit a roadblock if you were not sufficiently realistic about your dreams. Much can be accomplished amid distractions if you exercise self-discipline and use your common sense.

LIBRA: Strike the match and you could light someone’s romantic fire, or a buddy might want to exit the friend zone. You might make a few mistakes when handling the details, but most people should be willing to overlook them.

SCORPIO: Take unexpected changes or surprises in stride. Just because things may not go as planned it does not mean you will not have any fun. You possess the resourcefulness to easily handle any detours that could come your way.

SAGITTARIUS: Think twice before you toss the dice. A choice may appear that can affect your bank account. Since there is always a fifty-fifty chance of losing it could be best to hold of making financial decisions.

CAPRICORN: Try not to be shy about networking, but people may not always agree. This could be a good time to set things right with a family member or partner. New contacts can create the VIP list you need.

AQUARIUS: There may be butterflies in your stomach when you meet someone new, or if plans get changed at the last minute. Welcome some excitement into your life. You may benefit from the insights of someone new.

PISCES: An adjustment to your banking patterns may reap big rewards; a small impulsive purchase could satisfy your need for daily inspiration. Tiny imperfections can be ignored if you focus on the bigger picture.

IF AUGUST 12 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You might experience smooth sailing during the next two to three weeks and find that an opportunity for advancement seeks you out. This could possibly be a time for public appearances or to make changes that will preserve your reputation and enhance your popularity. You may be romantic at heart, but during September you could have the foresight to make sound decisions like buying a new car or home or making a major commitment. In late October and November, you may be ambitious but easily misled by your own dreams, so hold off on making major investments of time or money. You may find that you are more popular than usual, but do not let it go to your head or annoy people by being pushy. December may bring a restless need for excitement or changes you cannot control.

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