Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: To be a champion you cannot focus on obvious parts of your competition. The crucial step can be to work through your weakness, whether it could be forcing yourself into one more lap or writing another draft.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: More volume does not always mean more accuracy. Instead of seeing who can rattle the windows better, decide what you and the other person have to offer and what you both can give up to reach a compromise.

GEMINI: Until you clear the air or settle any debts you owe you cannot move forward. There can be people you need to talk to and relationships that might need tending. Face your past and accept the consequences.

CANCER: Too much of your life may be spent under the fluorescent lights and you could be turning a shade of gray. Go outside when you can or walk around the parking lot to gain some needed fresh air and sunshine.

LEO: Everything in your life may have taken thousands of people working together to bring them to fruition. If civilization requires that much cooperation it might be time for you to analyze your part in everything.

VIRGO: You may have tried checklists, consulted with your friends, and even flipped a coin. But you know you cannot farm out the challenging work of planning the future. No one else can make your decisions for you.

LIBRA: It could be time to take a break and stretch yourself. You may have gotten too comfortable, but it could be time to get moving. Your shows or the next book chapter will be there when you return.

SCORPIO: Rock, paper, scissors may not be helpful in decision making. Everything you have been hesitating about could be ready to go, but only you can determine what happens next. Try not to be afraid of the first step.

SAGITTARIUS: It can be hard to sit down and get things done. A million other things could be more fun, more interesting, or less tedious, but they are not the task needing to be done. Get the job done and then you can play.

CAPRICORN: You may be staring at the wall weighing all the pros and cons when you might have always known the right answer. Logic may not make this easier. This can come down to a gut decision you have already made.

AQUARIUS: Your industry or your genuine interest in your fellow man can help make you the center of a busy hive of activity. Keep your money in your pocket and avoid adding more bills to your current debt load for now.

PISCES: It can be easy to blame someone else if a plan goes off the rails, but you may not be able to repair the damage until you accept responsibility. Being honest with yourself and your partner might help you let go.

IF AUGUST 25 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Detractors could find something to criticize during the next four to five weeks even when your attractiveness and charm receive applause. Your every move could be scrutinized so be as nice as possible and be conscientious about your obligations to stave off criticism. Wait until October, when your enthusiasm is high, to launch new projects or make major decisions. The second half of October may bring inspiring people into your life, triggering creative ideas or sparking romantic notions. Your business sense and financial ideas could be out of kilter in late November, so hold off on making new investments or major purchases. Maintain a low profile, do not take anyone for granted, and take health matters seriously in December when you may not be at your best.

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