Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Just because your phone has not rung for a while does not mean that people may not be thinking about you. You could be more popular and admired than you think. Get things done while there is a lull in your social life.اضافة اعلان

You might not miss what you do not have. Just because your friends indulge in status symbols does not mean you always have to go along with the crowd. Ask a loved one for advice if you are tempted to exceed your budget.

GEMINI: You might have your own system of organization, but someone else could prefer to have things more artfully arranged or in a certain order. Setting limits does not need to create a schism with your family or friends.

CANCER: The simplest explanation could often be the one that needs to be highlighted. Act or make changes where you can if it will help bring you the most benefits. Encourage understanding and emphasize an atmosphere of serenity.

LEO: Applaud rational thinking and use it to help upgrade your plans. You may meet someone who can help explain complicated subjects when you need it. All things could be possible when you focus on achieving your fondest dreams.

VIRGO: This could be a suitable time to gather knowledge from experts or find appropriate applications for your intelligent observations. Avoid chit chat or wasting crucial time if your desk is piled high with things to do.

LIBRA: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You may already know what you are doing; execute plans and stop looking for excuses to start tomorrow instead. Starting now is the most beneficial first step.

SCORPIO: The pile of tasks can seem enormous, and you may feel there is no clear starting point. If there was only one thing it would seem easier. Just manage one thing, then another, and soon there might be nothing left in the pile.

SAGITTARIUS: Your ability to cope with confusing emotions or conflicting stories from different people could be at a low point. When the tide comes back in, you may have an amusing story to tell about your past and your comeback.

CAPRICORN: It may be wise to be more discriminating about who you confide in. You might be dealing with business people who can take advantage of a slip of the tongue. A loved one could share their inspiring or romantic ideas.

AQUARIUS: Some months you may find your finances barely last long enough to cover all your bills. If you are looking to start an emergency fund it might be time to overhaul your budget and create a plan so you can start saving.

PISCES: What may seem confusing now could eventually be clarified. This might be the time to adopt a different tactic or create a more practical strategy rather than worrying about a family dispute or insensitive individuals.

IF AUGUST 31 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You may be more popular and attractive than usual as the next three to four weeks unfold. People should view you as trustworthy and dependable so you can advance in your career or job. Once you have made an important change you will be energized and ready to apply enthusiastic effort to making your dreams come true in October. If you embrace sound advice and opportunities, you could upgrade your circumstances in November. In December you could grow more ambitious so you might take on more than you can oversee because you want to prove a point. You may be wearing virtual blinders in January or follow a rainbow looking for a pot of gold. Be particularly careful in February when you could receive excellent offers and opportunities but could also make irrevocable mistakes.

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