Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Harmless fun may become expensive. You could easily go overboard to please family members or friends right now. If you are tempted by extravagances, it can be difficult to maintain a respectful or sensible demeanor.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Now may be the time to give in to your charitable instincts. You might have the urge to demonstrate generosity in order to please loved ones or friends. Social activities could revolve around your home or family.

GEMINI: Your greatest success could stem from networking with your friends or communicating with your family. You can shine whenever you get an opportunity to cooperate with others and show off your friendliness.

CANCER: Every time you tie a knot the rope can become less flexible and shorter. Tying yourself up looking for the perfect chain of events could leave you focused on a single path without the ability to adapt to reality.

You might be attracting plenty of admiring glances right now. Try not to be flattered into investing too much time or emotion into a short-term hobby. Be as practical and down to earth as possible to maintain harmony.

VIRGO: You can make excellent progress in business negotiations because your foresight and ability to find a mutually beneficial compromise could be enhanced. Try not to misspend your earnings on an impulsive purchase.

LIBRA: You could tend to rationalize emotional issues. Try not to push anyone into making a key decision. If you wait another day or two it might be easier to finalize a commitment that may have been dangling free.

Group activities or outings can give you an opportunity to attract a new friend into your life. You could be happier and more comfortable if you surround yourself with people who are doers instead of bystanders.

SAGITTARIUS: Apply your mental poise where money may be the subject and events unfold without interference. You might not always get your own way so pushing your own agenda forward could not guarantee the desired results.

CAPRICORN: Do your best to see the bright side and enjoy people with a fun sense of humor. Casual friends could be casual about keeping promises. Passing acquaintances might not be destined to be lifelong friends.

AQUARIUS: Manage your budget with a businesslike flair. Your home may be full of social activity in the near future. If you are not feeling like going out in search of entertainment, try inviting someone exciting over to your place.

PISCES: A new romance, social event or career opportunity might promise more than it can deliver. If you focus on being practical and astute you could steer a pending situation into a more advantageous direction.

IF SEPTEMBER 8 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Remain optimistic and focused about what you want to achieve this week while your foresight and good judgment might be at a peak. Opportunities for advancement and rewards for your charitable deeds could be ready for you to accept. Your powerful leadership skills and imagination can combine in early October, making this a time to let your creativity run free. If romance comes knocking on your door in late November a new relationship could easily turn into a dream come true. Your charisma and personal attractiveness could hit a peak in December, making it a potentially excellent time to impress a prospective new employer with your skillset or boost your reputation with public appearances. Avoid making new investments or changes to your financial plans, however, because your business machine is not as well-oiled as you might think.

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