Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You could be feeling more optimistic than usual. You may get carried away when it comes to financial decisions and convince yourself an investment is a good deal. Now is not the time to procrastinate at work.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Do your best not to take your family members for granted. You may need their support in the future. Make more independent decisions and appropriate changes so that you do not need to rely on anyone else.

GEMINI: Data can be accessed with a database, but understanding how to uplift someone's soul needs a more human touch. You may have the ability to explain things with sensitivity and nuance, tap into your skills if a problem arises.

CANCER: Get rich quick schemes can seem attractive at first glance. Try not to give in to daydreams. Maintain a solid grip on reality if you are being swept up by powerful urges. Look over all the facts before making decisions.

LEO: To complete a project, you may need to gather all the supplies and double check the instructions or else you may end up with scattered pieces cluttering your room. You might have bitten off more than you can chew right now.

VIRGO: You may never know the real reason someone changed their mind, but that is okay. It can be more important to know where you stand than why. You might be attracted to someone with new and different ideas.

LIBRA: Someone might be waiting to hear what you have to say. Trust in those who honor their promises. Stand by people with the best intentions even if their advice does not always address significant issues.

SCORPIO: Instead of backing away from what scares you, use the opportunity to unpack and heal old fears. Consistent and ongoing self-work allows you to move beyond inner limitations which could be holding you back from success.

SAGITTARIUS: You may be happy to work side by side with others without vying for the lead position. Use that attitude to avoid stepping on anyone’s toes. New techniques and technologies could help make your job easier.

CAPRICORN: You might be feeling that you have been slighted or misunderstood. You may have a need to plan for the future. Let your heart guide you if complex decisions must be made and make sure you stand by your choice.

AQUARIUS: You might be getting ready to make the big move, but a sudden change of circumstances could mean that you are not as prepared as you thought. Keep working towards your plan and wait for the dust to settle.

It may not be a lost cause after all, pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Keep going, a worthier cause might be just out of reach. Great inventions are rarely unedited first drafts, sometimes things take time.

IF SEPTEMBER 13 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You might be motivated by the desire for riches, but also know that nothing comes without effort. Learn to play it smart in the upcoming four to five weeks. In November you may be introduced to innovative techniques and unusual people who help you turn a corner and try something new that you always wanted to try. This could be a good month to make major lifestyle changes and to shake off limitations while you should have the freedom to be your real self. Your romantic fantasies may become a reality in December, when you may have an opportunity to explore creative outlets, to take a vacation, or enjoy a pleasurable getaway with a loved one. Do not let your ambitions get the best of you in January when your financial tactics could backfire.

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