A quiet weekend away at Jordan EcoPark

(Photos: Kimi Bississo/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Up until a year and a half ago, I had never wandered outside of Amman. Although I visited the Kingdom countless times over the years, it wasn’t until I finally settled in our capital city that my compass of curiosity emerged. And with that curiosity I found myself, time and again, stumbling onto places I never knew existed within our borders. اضافة اعلان

I came across Jordan EcoPark while researching online a place suitable for a weekend getaway. Located in the northern part of the Jordan Valley, this cozy little hideaway made for a pretty unique experience. Right away I was overcome by a feeling of enchantment as I strolled between the winding dirt paths paved by rocks. The dark green trees that towered over me had a distinct scent. It was a warm welcome, one that instantly put me at ease, yet humbly showed off as it sensed my joy; it was an undeniably friendly exchange of energies.

Over a small wood-planked bridge quietly sat a charming wooden cabin. Three steps led up to the entrance where a soft lamp lit up the top of the door; a perfect weekend awaited.

A short hike up the hill is the best way to explore the park’s rural grounds, a staff member told me. At the top of the hill, to my surprise, I was met with a bed of water, and an absolutely stunning view of the Ziglab Dam. I took a moment to walk down the short, flat incline to sit alongside the water’s edge where I was completely entranced by the view. I was kept company by the echoes of a goat herder’s voice reverberating off the mountains in the distance. 

I traversed the path surrounding the dam before making my way back towards the park. There was an option to hike back down the hill the same way I came up, or to take the more scenic route. If you’re feeling adventurous, I recommend the latter. I took the zip line offered to soar over the park, getting a bird’s eye view of the dense greenery, while the occasional brown rooftop of the cabins peeked through the canopy beneath me. 

There are a variety of spots to enjoy a meal in the park. The common dining area is the obvious choice, or you could choose to indulge in the comfort of your cabin. I requested to be served dinner in the park, sheltered under the trees. I used a wooden log for a seat, placed in front of the bonfire, as I awaited my favorite Jordanian meal: Galaya. A simple dish made with lamb, hot peppers, tomato, and onion, accompanied with delicious shrak bread. If you ever get the chance to visit the EcoPark, I highly recommend you ask the chef to prepare this dish.

When you find yourself a little too comfortable — or even bored — take that as a call for change. Get curious. Explore! In doing so myself, I’ve unlocked the door to endless experiences. I welcome any chance I get. Nature has an incredible healing power, one that resets your mind and energizes your spirit in a way not many other things can. It reminds us how connected we all are and releases us into endless adventures and new relationships that have been patiently waiting for us along the way.

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