8 Simple Tips for Better Sleep

8 Simple Tips for Better Sleep
8 Simple Tips for Better Sleep
Are you having trouble sleeping? Ironically, the anxiety about sleep might be the very thing keeping you awake. In her book How to Stay Awake (So You Can Sleep at Night), sleep expert Heather Darwal-Smith offers practical tips to help you relax and drift off to sleep. Here are 8 key tips, as shared by The Sun newspaper.اضافة اعلان

Stop Obsessing Over Sleep
Trying too hard to fall asleep can backfire. Instead of focusing on what you need to do or supplements to take, just act naturally. Your body knows how to sleep; let it do so on its own.

Find What Works for You
Sleep is personal. What works for one person might not work for another. Avoid rigid trends you may resort to for sleep and instead tailor your approach to fit your lifestyle and needs.

Know What’s Normal
Waking up during the night is natural. If you can't fall back asleep, get up and do something calming. Avoid watching the clock and accept these wakeful moments as part of normal life.

Be Flexible
A strict bedtime routine can add stress. Be flexible. Sometimes you can enjoy staying up late, and other times it’s best to say no to staying up and go to bed early.

Track Your Sleep Times and Stress Levels
Monitor your sleep times and stress levels to identify sleep triggers or barriers that keep you awake. Keeping track can offer clarity and help pinpoint factors affecting your comfort.

Exercise Your Muscles
Muscle relaxation can aid sleep. Practice relaxation techniques during quiet times until they become a habit to relieve tension.

Sleep is Your Friend
Work with your body's natural rhythms, not against them. If you're a night owl, forcing a 9-to-5 sleep schedule might not work for you. Self-compassion and awareness of your body's needs are key to better sleep.

Keep a Journal
Track your sleep times and stress levels to identify sleep triggers or obstacles. Writing things down offers clarity and helps you discover factors affecting your comfort.

Keep It Simple
Small changes are more effective than complicating your sleep habits. Identify disruptive factors like using your phone at night or caffeine intake, and address them one at a time.