Bipolar disorder is a common, chronic, and often severe disorder that is characterized by
fluctuations in mood, energy, and behavior. Generally speaking, the disorder
tends to present around late adolescence or early adulthood, although the
majority (over two thirds) develop symptoms before the age of 18.
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The main features of bipolar disorder are episodes
depression, mania, or hypomania. Due to the fact that it is a cyclic
disorder, an individual will routinely cycle between these features, and may or
may not have periods of normal mood, also known as euthymia, between episodes.
fluctuations in mood may also be sporadic. Fluctuations may occur and
continue for months, or after one episode, symptoms can disappear for years
without any recurrence. Although this condition is incurable and potentially
resistant to management, early treatment is important in order to help
potentially avoid or manage a host of associated complications.
Cause of bipolar disorder
Our understanding of all
mental health conditions is ever evolving, and bipolar disorder is no exception.
The current consensus is that bipolar disorder has no singular cause, but is
combination of genetic and environmental factors. Many family, twin, and
adoption studies have found an increased risk between first-degree relatives
with bipolar disorder.
As of current understanding, there is no singular
gene responsible to bipolar disorder. In fact, several genetic linkage studies
suggest that multiple genes are involved in the heredity of bipolar disorder.
Aside from genetics, abnormalities in the
brain may
also contribute to bipolar disorder. In terms of structural abnormalities,
neuroimaging studies have found many abnormal areas of the brain that are
consistent with those who suffer from bipolar disorder, primarily in the
amygdala and the prefrontal cortex. Additionally, an imbalance of messengers in
the brain, known as neurotransmitters, may also contribute, although the
general consensus is that no single neurotransmitter is solely responsible.
The current consensus is that bipolar disorder has no singular cause, but is combination of genetic and environmental factors.
There are also many environmental and lifestyle
factors that can cause or contribute to bipolar disorder. This can include
extreme stress, traumatic experiences, physical illness and substance abuse.
Substance abuse and bipolar disorder
Substance abuse and bipolar
disorder are closely related. The prevalence of substance abuse among those who
suffer from bipolar disorder is high. A 1990 study found that over 60 percent
of those with bipolar I and almost 50 percent of those with bipolar II have a
prior history of substance abuse.
Many studies investigated the relationship and came
up with many hypotheses as to whether substance abuse causes bipolar disorder
or vice versa. One common hypothesis is that substance abuse is a symptom of
bipolar disorder, since mania is one of the defining features of the condition.
During manic episodes, an individual will do things in excess, which can
include using drugs and alcohol.
Another hypothesis suggests that substance use and
abuse is done in an attempt to self-medicate and relieve certain symptoms.
There is also a hypothesis that substance abuse causes bipolar disorder. It is
thought that the use of certain drugs may structurally alter the brain and
cause bipolar; at the least, symptoms of substance abuse can mimic those of
bipolar disorder, which may eventually result in the condition.
Finally, it is also believed that bipolar disorder
and substance abuse may share a common risk factor, most probably relating to
genetics. Although these hypotheses are difficult to test, it is likely that
the relationship between bipolar disorder and
substance abuse is a combination
of all the hypotheses. Regardless, it is undeniable that substance abuse can
have a serious negative impact on those diagnosed with bipolar. Substance abuse
combined with bipolar disorder makes is more likely for the illness to have an
earlier onset, higher rates of relapse, a poorer response to treatment,
increased risk of suicide, and more psychiatric hospitalizations.
Suicide and bipolar disorder
Suicide is a serious concern
at global level. Internationally, it is estimated that roughly 800,000 to 1
million deaths per year are due to suicide. Of all the
psychiatric disorders,
numerous studies have found that the bipolar disorder carries the greatest risk
of suicide. When compared to the general population, those with bipolar
disorder are 30 to 60 times at greater risk of suicide.
Additionally, it is estimated that 33-50 percent of
those with bipolar disorder will attempt suicide once in their lifetime and
roughly 15-20 percent die as a result of suicide.
Studies conducted on the risk of suicide per gender
had mixed results. Some studies found that there is no increased risk in one
gender compared to the other. Others found that suicide attempts are higher in
women, but men have higher rates of death by suicide. There are many other
factors based on bipolar subtype, age, and illness severity, although multiple
studies have been inconsistent with one another.
Lifestyle changes
Medication is a must for
those who suffer from bipolar disorder, but certain lifestyle changes are also
important. If present, the most important lifestyle change is rehabilitation
from substance abuse. Despite strict laws in Jordan on substance use, it is
still prevalent. In Amman, the
Drug Enforcement Administration allows for anonymous
self-admittance, with no penalty, and a staff dedicated to rehabilitation.
Proper nutrition is also important. Any essential
amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and mineral deficiency can exacerbate mood
episodes and worsen overall outcome. Additionally, avoiding high stress
situations, proper sleep, and regular exercise can also help manage the
Treatment of bipolar
disorder is highly variable and depends on its severity, response, and subtype.
Although medication will not cure this condition, maintenance management is
still important.
Depending on the case, medication will likely be one
or a combination of mood stabilizers. These include lithium, anticonvulsants
such carbamazepine and valproate products, and second-generation antipsychotics.
To manage certain acute mood episodes, medication
such as benzodiazepines and antidepressants may be used.
Mood stabilizer medication will need to be strictly adhered to and lifelong. The purpose of
mood stabilizers is to help manage and prevent mood fluctuations. The
additional medication (benzodiazepines and antidepressants) is only used short
term to help manage acute episodes and will be discontinued once stabilized.
Adherence to these medications is important in order
to avoid worsening in condition and prevention of complications. Those with
bipolar disorder tend to have a poor rate of adherence to their medication.
Exact estimates vary from study to study, but it can be estimated that 20-50
percent do not adhere. Ensuring adherence is a complex issue that requires
cooperation on multiple fronts. The relationship between the healthcare system
and patient is important but many studies have found that patient-centered
variables such as family attitudes can impact adherence.
This condition is extremely debilitating and roughly
55-65 percent of those with bipolar I experience some form of functional
disability. Additionally, approximately 10-20 percent experience severe
impairment in social and occupational functioning. This can place a strain on
familial relationships which can, in turn, worsen the individual’s condition.
If a loved one is affected by this condition, it is
important to practice patience and pay close attention to their overall
condition. Be vigilant about any signs of substance abuse or
suicidal ideation,
and ensure that the person takes the medication as prescribed and regularly.
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