Trauma comes in many different forms and can have serious
negative consequences on your life. It can cause suffering and change the
course of one’s life entirely. In some cases, one can come out stronger for the
trauma one’s endured. Although
trauma is not actively sought out, it is likely
to occur at least once in a person’s lifetime. A concept known as
post-traumatic growth looks at how overcoming terrible events can lead to a
positive outcome that allows individuals to come out stronger.
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Trauma is often defined as a distressing event or
experience that results in emotional, physical, or psychological harm. There
are many different origins of trauma. What is considered a traumatic event or
experience can differ between people, the results are nearly universal. It is
common to experience intrusive thoughts and memories of the event, become hypervigilant
or on-edge, and have a general sense of feeling unsafe. These feelings and
thoughts are considered normal and can last from a few days to a few weeks,
gradually decreasing in severity. However, in some cases, these feelings can be
intense and occur for an extended period of time. This is known as
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and can be extremely difficult to live
and cope with. PTSD is a complex condition and caused by a variety of factors,
but those who become apathetic, avoid certain situations or people, or develop
unhealthy coping behaviors are at higher risk of developing it. If not managed
correctly, it can increase the risk of developing other mental disorders such
as depression, anxiety, use of drugs or alcohol, eating disorders, and even
suicidal thoughts.
What is post-traumatic growth?
Although trauma is almost
always associated with negative effects, some people ultimately come out
stronger. This phenomenon is called post-traumatic growth (PTG) and is defined
as a positive psychological state that follows a traumatic event. The term
post-traumatic growth was coined by psychologists Richard G. Tedeschi and
Lawrence Calhoun in the mid-1990s. During the course of their investigation,
they noticed that those who undergo PTG end up exceeding in life with a greater
appreciation and develop greater resilience. There are many theories as to why
people experience PTG. The most accepted theory is known as The Outcome Theory.
This theory asserts that there are two different types of coping: homeostatic
coping and transformational coping. Homeostatic coping is taking steps to
return one’s life to normal. In this type of coping, nothing is gained or lost.
With transformational coping, however, cognitive changes in one’s personalities
take place. The change can be positive or negative, however. Negative
transformational coping ultimately results in the individual succumbing to
stress and potentially developing anxiety and depression. On the other hand,
those that undergo positive transformational coping end up developing positive
changes as a result of PTG.
Fortunately, this phenomenon is quite prevalent and
considered a healthy indicator for recovery and coping. Some studies suggest
that roughly 90 percent of trauma victims experience at least one aspect of
PTG. Additionally, Tedeschi and Lawrence noticed two important traits that make
it more likely for someone to experience PTG. The first trait is openness to
experience, which is a person’s willingness to experiment and try new things.
This trait is crucial because in order to undergo growth you must be willing to
explore new thoughts and ideas. The second trait is extroversion which is the
outgoing personality trait. This is likely due to the fact that extroverts are
more likely to communicate and seek out others and, in doing so, be exposed to
new ideas. These traits are more closely seen in the demographic that
represents those who have undergone PTG. Those in late adolescents and early
adulthood are more likely to experience PTG and this is likely due to their
world view still evolving. Similarly, women are more likely to experience PTG
compared to men (albeit only slightly more likely).
Furthermore, PTG is divided into five areas and a
person can undergo positive transformation in one or more of the areas. The
first area is embracing new opportunities both professionally and personally.
The second area is improved personal relationships as well as finding greater
joy from said relationship. The next area of PTG is having a greater appreciation
of life and overall gratitude. The fourth area is a greater sense of spiritual
or religious connection. The last area of PTG is improved emotional strength
and resilience.
Since its inception, PTG has been investigated in a
variety of different applications. As of yet, PTG is simply a theory and still
trying to find its footing in a clinical setting. Another psychologist, Martin
Seligman, has devoted a large portion of his career to positive development
following a traumatic event. Based on his analysis, adults who undergo PTG have
significantly higher levels of physical and psychological functioning.
Additionally, these individuals show greater resilience and develop improved
coping strategies that allow them to find better solutions during future stressful
events. This ultimately acts as a mental shield which can help prevent future
instances of grief and stress and afford them improved life satisfaction and
quality of life. Furthermore, many interventions have been designed based on
PTG principles. The two most popular interventions are known as written
emotional disclosure and cognitive-behavioral stress management. Studies based
on the cognitive-behavioral stress management intervention found that there
were beneficial effects on PTG, quality of life, and emotional well-being.
Although PTG is a relatively new concept, there are
certain ways to help improve your recovery and potentially develop PTG. One of
the first steps is to reflect. In the written emotional disclosure
intervention, individuals are asked to write down positive thoughts and
feelings about their trauma. Although it can be very difficult, this simple
action forces the individual to take time and reflect on their situation.
Another important step is fostering a sense of
community. More often than not, there are other people out there who have
experienced similar trauma to your own. By seeking out groups that have shared
similar experiences, you can foster a community which can offer you invaluable
support. The last, and probably most important step, is seeking mental health
support. This can first come in the form of friends, family, and loved ones but
only up until a certain point. If you or someone you love starts of experience
a loss of interest, avoidance, or unhealthy coping behaviors then it is advised
you seek a mental health professional. The Maria Den Braven Center, located at
the 2nd Circle in Amman, is staffed with qualified psychiatrists and clinical
psychologists, some of whom specialize in PTSD as well as other anxiety disorders
which may be related to trauma.
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