Can Brain Stimulation Maintain Mental Sharpness with Age?

Can Brain Stimulation Maintain Mental Sharpness with Age?
Can Brain Stimulation Maintain Mental Sharpness with Age?
The New York Times published a report by journalist Melinda Wenner Moyer, stating that Jennifer O'Brien, a psychologist studying Alzheimer's prevention at the University of South Florida, often gets asked whether activities like crossword puzzles or word games can prevent cognitive decline associated with aging.اضافة اعلان

O'Brien explained that there's a widespread belief that engaging in these games will help individuals as they grow older. However, she, along with other experts, clarified that the truth is more complex. The science determining whether specific brain-stimulating activities are beneficial, or whether some are more effective than others, is limited and difficult to evaluate. It’s also possible that other aspects of a person’s life are more important.

Nonetheless, O'Brien mentioned that some types of brain activities might enhance cognitive skills as people age.

What Does Science Say?

According to the report, there has been little research on whether specific brain-stimulating activities, such as solving puzzles or playing word games, can impact memory loss on their own. Available studies are difficult to interpret. Dr. O'Brien stated, "It’s a question that is hard to answer with the science we have available right now."

However, many studies have concluded that individuals who engage in brain-stimulating activities are generally less likely to experience memory loss compared to those who don’t. These analyses often include various mental activities like reading, playing board games, writing, and crafting.

The report further explains that due to the wide range of these evaluations, it's challenging to determine whether one activity is "better" than another, such as reading, playing a musical instrument, taking a course, or even tending to fruit trees in a garden, according to Joyce Gomez-Ostmann, a physical therapist and neuroscientist at the University of Miami specializing in memory loss prevention.

Moreover, most of these studies are correlational, meaning they might find a link between cognitive activities and memory benefits, but they can’t prove that the activities themselves lead to those benefits. For instance, Dr. O'Brien pointed out that people who choose to engage in brain-stimulating activities like word games, reading, and writing might be less likely to experience memory loss for other reasons. They might be wealthier, under less stress, or more inclined to exercise.

Many of these studies ask participants to recall activities they did in the past, which may not always be accurate, especially when conducted on older adults, as Dr. O'Brien pointed out.

Choosing the Right Activity

As people age, their episodic memory (the ability to recall events and past experiences) tends to decline, while their semantic memory (the ability to remember words, concepts, and numbers) usually continues to improve.

When selecting a cognitive activity that might be most beneficial, individuals should consider activities that involve skills they have difficulty with, according to Dr. Gomez-Ostmann. For example, if someone struggles with visual or spatial skills, they might want to try shape-related puzzles like tangrams. If they wish to improve their fine motor skills, embroidery could be a good option.

It’s also important to engage in activities that a person enjoys, Dr. Gomez-Ostmann added. "Our brains tend to improve in response to activities that somehow engage the person, giving them a sense of satisfaction." The idea is to design cognitive challenges that fit the person's needs and interests.

The Bigger Picture

When considering strategies to prevent age-related memory decline, experts recommend taking a deeper look into other factors that might play a role. In 2024, The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention, and Care, a group of experts who regularly review evidence and make recommendations for dementia prevention and management, estimated that 45% of dementia cases could be prevented by addressing 14 key risk factors. These include physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, hearing loss, social isolation, and depression.

Since many aspects of a person’s lifestyle affect their risk of memory loss, experts usually don’t recommend a one-size-fits-all approach to brain enhancement. Instead, they suggest integrating it with other methods, "like physical exercise, social interaction, and a healthy diet," said Dr. Greg Cooper, a neurologist and director of the Memory Center at the Norton Neuroscience Institute in Louisville, Kentucky.

However, if a person enjoys certain activities like crafting or solving crosswords, there’s no reason to stop doing them, Dr. O'Brien stated. Although the science is unclear, the fact that these activities bring joy and keep individuals engaged could enhance both cognitive and emotional health. And if puzzles lead them to interact with others—perhaps contacting friends when they want to vent about a particularly tough word or need help with a crossword puzzle—this social interaction would also be beneficial.

Dr. O'Brien concluded, "I don’t really see any cost in practicing them. If a person enjoys it, why not?"