With nearly every
chronic disease, exercise is usually
recommended as a treatment method. This is because exercise can help prevent
and manage many conditions, especially those that affect the cardiovascular
system. Regardless of if you are healthy or not, it is recommended that you
perform moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes a week.
However, for people with diabetes, exercise is not just a recommendation but a
first-line course of treatment.
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Who benefits the most?
When discussing the impacts of exercise on diabetes, it will
mostly be about type 2 diabetes mellitus (
T2DM). This does not mean that type 1
diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients do not benefit from exercise but simply that
T2DM patients improve at a greater rate.
Additionally, T1DM patients should consult their doctor
before exercising as it may worsen their condition due to the difference in how
diabetes manifests depending on the type. T1DM is an autoimmune disease in
which the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin (B-cells) are damaged by
the body’s own immune system.
Regardless of if you are healthy or not, it is recommended that you perform moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes a week.
T2DM, on the other hand, is the result of the body becoming
less sensitive to the effects of insulin — a hormone produced by the pancreas
which is responsible for regulating the sugar (
glucose) levels in the blood.
Insulin does this by converting glucose into a different molecule that can be
stored in the skeletal muscles and liver.
In T1DM, there is not enough insulin, but when it is
introduced — usually in the form of injections — the body can effectively
regulate glucose levels. In T2DM, there may be a normal amount of insulin
available, but the body does not store glucose as well as it should.
In order to increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin,
there are two main courses of treatment: exercise, and medication such as
Exercise’s impact on diabetes
Reports of exercise-induced improvements in insulin action
date back to the 1920s. There is a consensus that exercise is integral in
managing diabetes both in the short-term and long term.
There are five main targets that exercise improves the more
regularly you work out: The liver, adipose tissue,
skeletal muscle, the
circulatory system, and the pancreas.
• Liver
The liver plays many important roles in the body, one of
which is assisting the pancreas in regulating blood glucose levels. Your liver
acts as a storage site for processed glucose but can also produce glucose in a
process known as gluconeogenesis. When trying to manage glucose levels in the
blood, it is important to be able to suppress gluconeogenesis.
By exercising, the liver becomes more sensitive to insulin,
thus allowing more glucose to be stored while suppressing the formation of new
glucose via gluconeogenesis. Exercising also helps reduce the accumulation of
triglycerides in the liver.
• Adipose tissue
Adipose tissue, more commonly known as body fat, also
contributes to insulin insensitivity. By exercising, you can reduce the amount
of fat mass and, in turn, improve insulin sensitivity in the body.
Additionally, adipose tissue plays a role in inflammation
for those with diabetes. Despite the inflammation being low-grade, if it is
chronic, it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Exercise helps reduce the molecules produced by adipose
tissue responsible for the inflammatory response.
• Skeletal muscle
muscles are the primary site for glucose storage,
and roughly 80 percent of stored glucose is deposited in the muscles. This is
achieved by the use of insulin-dependent and insulin-independent mechanisms.
Since diabetes results in insulin insensitivity, the body must rely on
insulin-independent mechanisms.
A 2008 study found that a single bout of exercise can
improve the muscle’s glucose uptake via insulin-independent mechanisms by up to
five times.
As exercising becomes more regular, insulin sensitivity
improves, allowing the muscles to utilize insulin-dependent mechanisms. Over
time, these two mechanisms work in conjunction to greatly improve diabetes
• Circulatory system
Diabetes is known for causing complications to the
cardiovascular system.
The cardiovascular system can be divided into microvascular
complications and macrovascular complications. Macrovascular complications of
diabetes include coronary artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, and
strokes. Microvascular complications of diabetes include nephropathy (kidney
damage), neuropathy (nerve damage), and retinopathy (eye damage).
Exercise helps reduce and control lipids and blood pressure,
which can greatly increase the risk for micro and macrovascular complications
if left uncontrolled. Furthermore, exercise helps lower blood glucose as well
as HbA1c.
• Pancreas
In the early stages of T2DM, the
pancreas tries to
compensate for the lack of response from the body by increasing the amount of
insulin produced.
Eventually, the pancreas can no longer sustain itself, and
there is a marked decline in B-cell function. A 2004 study found that just three
months of aerobic exercise could improve B-cell function.
This regained function allows the pancreas to produce more
insulin, improving glucose control far more than the improved sensitivity.
The sooner you start exercising, the better. Diabetes is a
progressive disease that continually gets worse with time. neither exercise or
medication cure diabetes, but instead slow its progression.
If diabetes remains uncontrolled for too long, it becomes
harder to manage, which is why it is important to start as soon as possible.
Diabetes is a progressive disease that continually gets worse with time. Both exercise and medication do not cure diabetes but instead slow its progression.
• Frequency
World Health Organization recommends that all adults
over 18 exercise for 150 minutes per week with moderate intensity or 75 minutes
per week with vigorous intensity.
Practically speaking, this equates to 30 minutes a day, five
days a week. For those with T2DM, it is recommended that aerobic exercise
(exercise that increases heart and breathing rate) be performed at least three
days a week and resistance training (weightlifting) be performed at least twice
a week.
There should be no more than two days rest between
• Intensity
Intensity can be measured in several ways, but the simplest
way is to put it in terms of your own
physical capacity. Put your physical
capacity on a scale between 0—10, where 0 is you at rest and 10 is maximum
Moderate intensity would be considered a five or six on that
scale, whereas vigorous intensity would be regarded as seven or eight. Aerobic
activity should be moderate (like a brisk walk), but vigorous aerobic exercise
can provide additional benefits.
Resistance training can be moderate or vigorous, depending
on personal preference.
• Duration
Aerobic exercise should be 20-60 minutes per day and can be
done continuously or intermittently. If done intermittently, each bout should
be at least 10 minutes. Resistance training should consist of three sets of
8–10 repetitions that involve 8–10 different exercises that work for all the
major muscle groups.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
HIIT is a relatively new fitness regimen that has shown
great promise for people with diabetes. HIIT generally consists of four to six
repeated bouts of maximum effort for roughly 30 seconds with rest periods of
30-60 seconds in between.
A single session typically lasts 10 minutes and a trial that
lasted at least two weeks showed a reduction of the
Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) by
0.19 percent and 1.3kg of body weight lost.
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