Foods and food items that cause stomach ulcers

Foods and food items that cause stomach ulcers
Foods and food items that cause stomach ulcers
Many people suffer from stomach ulcers, which cause them severe pain and significantly affect the health of the digestive system. Ulcers can form as a result of poor dietary habits.اضافة اعلان

In this regard, Russian gastroenterologist Oleg Baykov said in an interview with the Russian newspaper Gazeta.Ru: "Ulcers occur due to damage to the stomach's mucous membrane, leading to inflammation and disruption of the normal functioning of this vital digestive organ. Stomach ulcers can result from several internal and external factors affecting the body, and one of these factors is diet."

He added: "The most food items that cause stomach ulcers are spicy foods and seasonings. These foods contribute to increased stomach acidity, which increases the likelihood of damaging the mucous membrane. Additionally, spicy foods can disrupt the normal functioning of the sphincter, which increases the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease—another significant factor that contributes to the development of peptic ulcers. The second group of foods that cause stomach ulcers are fatty and fried foods. These foods slow down the digestion process, creating conditions for food to remain in the stomach for long periods, putting continuous pressure on the digestive system and causing damage to the stomach lining, leading to ulcer formation."

According to the doctor, the third group of substances that cause stomach ulcers are coffee, tea, and energy drinks that contain high levels of caffeine, which is a powerful stimulant for the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as alcoholic beverages, which damage the stomach’s mucous membrane.

The doctor also pointed out that excessive consumption of foods with high acid content, such as citrus fruits, apples, and vinegar, leads to damage to the stomach lining and the formation of ulcers. He recommended avoiding carbonated soft drinks as they contain chemicals that disrupt the beneficial bacteria in the stomach and digestive system. He also warned against ready-made foods and fast food, which are high in fats and contain preservatives that cause inflammation in the body, especially in the stomach. (RT)