Here’s why you should avoid making your bed right after waking up

Here’s why you should avoid making your bed right after waking up
Here’s why you should avoid making your bed right after waking up

A doctor has revealed that you should avoid making your bed immediately after waking up, explaining the potential health consequences.

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Mayo Figueroa, a resident physician in Los Angeles, confirms that mattresses and pillows can become "storage" for human skin cells, which promotes the growth of dust mites.

Although these microscopic creatures are generally harmless, they can cause allergies. According to Figueroa, making the bed right away traps moisture, creating an ideal environment for dust mites to thrive. In contrast, leaving the bed unmade allows it to dry out with good ventilation.

Figueroa pointed out that "there are more than 10 million dust mites on an average mattress. And if you have a pillow that's two years old, 10% of its weight could be dust mites and their droppings."

Although dust mites don't bite or transmit diseases, they can cause health problems such as rhinitis, coughing, dry eyes, and sleep disturbances. Many people may think they are suffering from a constant cold, while dust mites could be the real cause.

It is advised to wash bed linens and pillowcases at least once every two weeks, and preferably once a week.