How Experts Advise Dealing with "Spring Allergies"

How Experts Advise Dealing with "Spring Allergies"
How Experts Advise Dealing with "Spring Allergies"
Experts have warned that this year's pollen season is worse than ever, affecting up to 40% of the global population. Below are some tips provided by experts for effectively managing "spring allergies":اضافة اعلان

1. **Identifying the Causes of Allergies**:  
   Trees such as oak and elm, which use the wind to disperse their pollen, are the main culprits of spring allergies. In contrast, insect-pollinated plants like apple and cherry trees don't cause problems to the same extent.

2. **Effective Treatments**:  
   - **Nasal Steroids**: Considered the most effective in treating spring allergies, with over-the-counter options available.
   - **Second-Generation Antihistamines**: These are effective for longer durations and have less sedative effect compared to first-generation antihistamines.

3. **Relieving Eye Itching**:  
   - It's important to shower to remove pollen from the hair and skin.
   - Using a cool, damp cloth on the eyes can help soothe itching.
   - Using over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops is recommended, and storing them in the refrigerator can enhance their soothing effect.

4. **Distinguishing Allergies from the Flu**:  
   - Allergies do not cause fever, so if you have a fever, it is likely due to an infection and not allergies.
   - Persistent eye and nose itching are common symptoms of spring allergies, which differentiate them from the flu or other infections.

5. Air Purification:  
   - Air purifiers are not very effective in reducing pollen indoors, as pollen settles quickly. Therefore, it's not recommended to spend money on these devices to combat pollen.

6. The Honey Myth:  
   - Despite popular belief, consuming honey or bee pollen is unlikely to relieve allergy symptoms because these products contain pollen from insect-pollinated plants, which are not the main source of most spring allergies.

7. **Avoiding Nasal Decongestants**:  
   - Be cautious with overusing nasal decongestants, as they can cause rebound effects if used for prolonged periods.

8. **Outdoor Activities**:  
   - Although staying indoors during high pollen periods can help reduce exposure, experts encourage outdoor activities, especially for children, provided they take allergy medication in advance.
   - After returning indoors, it's essential to shower and change clothes to remove pollen from the body.

9. **Allergy Care Kit**:  
   - Your allergy care kit should include oral antihistamines, nasal steroids, and nasal moisturizing products. Make sure to use them regularly for maximum benefit.

By following these tips, the impact of spring allergies can be significantly reduced, improving quality of life during the pollen season.