talking, chewing, swallowing, and even smiling — our mouths allow us to do so
much. But imagine if all these functions that we take for granted became
difficult, laborious, or even impossible. Mouth cancer and some of its
treatments can take away the ability to perform most of these tasks, making
everyday functioning a struggle. Even sadder is the fact that almost all cases
of the
cancer, which is more common than you might think, are preventable.
اضافة اعلان
The second most
common cause of mortality globally, cancer is a major medical concern that has
sparked thousands of studies and the development of numerous treatments. When
it comes to prevention and treatment, one of the greatest difficulties is the
number of physical systems susceptible to the abnormal cell growth; most other
conditions are restricted to a single body part, organ, or system. Cancer can
affect any part of the body and — worse yet — can spread to nearly any part of
the body.
Oral cavity cancer,
also known as oral cancer, includes a range of cancers that form in the mouth.
It is the 11th most common form of cancer in men worldwide. Of the many parts
that make up the mouth, nearly all are susceptible to cancer. Common sites for
the condition include the lips, tongue, and gums, but it can also occur in the
inner lining of the lips and cheek, known as the buccal mucosa, the hard palate
on the roof of the mouth, and the salivary glands.
The warning signs
There are many signs and symptoms of oral cancer, but unfortunately, these
phenomena are also extremely broad and be indicative of other diseases, making
awareness crucial to early detection. One common symptom of oral cancer is a
sore that does not heal in any part of the mouth. The condition may also start
out as a lump or a white or red patch.
of Jordanian men between the ages of 18 and 44 are smokers
As the
progresses, you may start to experience difficulty or pain while chewing,
swallowing, or moving the jaw or tongue. Additionally, you may notice numbness
or swelling in any part of the mouth. In later stages, you may experience pain
around the teeth, or they may loosen and eventually fall out. Other nonspecific
symptoms may include weight loss or pain in the ear. If you notice one or more
of these symptoms for two or more weeks, consult your primary care physician or
Complications: physical and mental
A number of complications may arise either directly from the cancer or
from its treatment. Surgery is a common approach to remedying oral cancer,
especially for later stages requiring the removal of affected tissue. However,
the mouth is small, and all of its tissues are connected to essential parts. As
a result, one of the most common complications of surgery is
dysphagia, or
difficulty swallowing, when tissues that allow this function have been removed.
Some methods of therapy can help remedy this issue, but patients with severe
dysphagia may require a feeding tube.
Another similar
complication of oral cancer is difficulty talking. Speech relies on all parts
of the mouth and is a complex process. Initially, there may be drastic changes
in the pronunciation of certain sounds, but with therapy, you can regain some
speech functions.
Lastly, oral
cancer can have a heavy impact on mental health and overall well-being. In
general, cancer commonly affects mental well-being negatively, especially when it
is life-threatening. The thought of coming death can take a huge psychological
toll. However, once in remission, most cancer patients end up developing a
positive outlook on life. But with the many lifestyle-impacting complications
of oral cancer, it may still have negative effects on
mental health even after
patients enter remission due to changes in the face or speech.
How it starts
As is the case with all
forms of the disease, there is no single cause for oral cancer, but instead, a
combination of genetic and environmental factors may lead to a diagnosis.
Although oral cancer is strongly connected to certain environmental factors,
you can still develop it even if no common factors apply.
The greatest risk factor for oral cancer is
tobacco and
alcohol use. Extensive research has explored the link between tobacco and
oral cancer. It has been found that all forms of tobacco products can cause
oral cancer, and the longer and broader the history, the greater the risk. In
particular, oral tobacco products carry a very high risk of cancer in the
cheeks, gums, and inner lining of the lips.
Similarly, pipe smoking brings a very high risk of
cancer in parts of the lips that come into contact with the pipe. Studies have
shown that long-term second-hand smoke exposure (i.e., smoke inhaled from other
people nearby) may also increase the risk of oral cancer.
Meanwhile, studies relating to alcohol consumption
have shown that heavy consumption puts you at a higher risk compared to
occasional drinkers. The highest risk is for those who both drink heavily and
smoke, with their estimated risk 30 times greater than that of people who
neither drink nor smoke.
Diet may also play a role in the development of oral
cancer. Although more research is needed, a dietary deficiency of certain
vitamins and minerals, particularly iron, may increase the risk of oral cancer.
Certain biological factors may also raise the risk
of oral cancer. Statistically speaking, oral cancer is twice as common in men
as in women. However, this may be due to the fact that smoking and drinking is
more common among men than in women. Additionally, genetics may play a role.
Generally, it is believed that inherited gene mutations are responsible for
some (rare) cases of oral cancer. This may be due to the fact that mutations
can be responsible for difficulties in breaking down toxins or making people
more susceptible to the effects of tobacco and alcohol. Other inherited genetic
conditions such as Fanconi anemia and dyskeratosis congenita may also increase
the risk for oral cancer.
Oral cancer in Jordan
According to statistics
released by the
Ministry of Health in 2020, 70.3 percent of Jordanian men
between the ages of 18 and 44 were current smokers at the time. Additionally,
3.1 percent of the male population between the ages of 18 and 44 were drinkers,
29.7 percent of whom were considered to be heavy drinkers. Consequently, one
would assume that the prevalence oral cancer in Jordan is relatively high.
However, data collected by the
World Health Organization says otherwise. Globally, oral cancer affects six out of every
100,000 men and 2.3 out of every 100,000 women. In Jordan, oral cancer affects
only 1.7 in every 100,000 men and one in every 100,000 women. This makes oral
cancer only the 21st most common form of cancer in Jordan — 23rd in terms of
mortality. It is important to note that there are explanations for why Jordan
has a relatively low incidence rate — partaking in particular lifestyle
choices, such as smoking or drinking, can still increase your risk.
Although oral cancer may not be as prevalent in
Jordan as other parts of the world, there is one growing cause for concern.
Studies have shown that oral cancer is becoming increasing prevalent among
younger generations. It is thought that changes in lifestyle have increased the
risk. A 2014 study evaluated the relationship between smoking and age of
diagnosis in Jordan. It found that the more frequently participants smoked
(either cigarettes, hookah, or both), the younger they were diagnosed with oral
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