A recent study revealed connections between certain types of food, such as those rich in fiber or fats, and sleep quality.
Researchers from the University of Tsukuba analyzed data from 4,825 people who used mobile apps to track their sleep and monitor their diet.
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According to *Science Alert*, the researchers wrote: "Higher intake of total energy, fats, and sodium was associated with shorter overall sleep duration, while higher consumption of protein and dietary fiber was linked to longer overall sleep duration."
Additionally, people who consumed more fiber in their diet tended to fall asleep faster and wake up less frequently during the night.
A similar relationship between fiber and sleep quality has been noted in previous studies.
Although the differences were not large— for example, those who consumed the most protein slept on average about 15 extra minutes at night— the results provide useful guidance for better dietary choices to improve sleep.
These benefits could accumulate quickly over weeks and months.
Researchers explain that multiple factors are likely at play. Previous studies have suggested that consuming more protein boosts the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, including melatonin and serotonin, which help regulate sleep.
It is also believed that these chemicals are stimulated by the effect fiber has on gut bacteria, and gut health may be linked to healthy sleep, and vice versa.
The researchers wrote: "Recent studies suggest that changes in gut microbiota could affect sleep and nutrient absorption."
They also noted, "It is known that there is a bidirectional relationship between food intake and sleep. Consuming healthy foods is linked to better sleep quality, while consuming processed foods and foods high in free sugars has been shown to impair sleep quality."