Teens are struggling right now. What can parents do?

sad classmates first day school Teens are struggling
(Photo: Freepik)
For more than 25 years, psychologist Lisa Damour has been helping teenagers and their families navigate adolescence in her clinical practice, in her research and in bestselling books such as “Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions Into Adulthood.”اضافة اعلان

This moment, she says, is like no other.

According to a report released this month by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 42 percent of US high schoolers experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness in 2021, while 22 percent seriously considered attempting suicide. Adolescent girls are struggling the most, but boys and teenagers in every racial and ethnic group also reported worsening symptoms.

“I am deeply concerned about the suffering teens experienced during the pandemic and the current crisis in adolescent mental health,” Damour said.

In her new book, “The Emotional Lives of Teenagers”, Damour aims to demystify adolescence and to reset the very definition of mental health: “Too often, ‘mental health’ is equated with feeling good, happy, calm, or relaxed,” she said. But it is “about having feelings that fit the moment — even if those feelings are unwanted or painful — and managing them in effective ways.” She thinks this characterization is “far more accurate”, and, she hopes, reassuring.
“Too often, ‘mental health’ is equated with feeling good, happy, calm, or relaxed,” she said. But it is “about having feelings that fit the moment… and managing them in effective ways”.
Here is what Damour had to say about communicating with teenagers, distinguishing healthy emotions from mental illness, and when to step in to help.

How can parents tell the difference between healthy teenage angst and signs of anxiety or depression?Teenagers feel their emotions more intensely than children do and more intensely than adults do. So there will be plenty of days where they experience distress, maybe multiple times a day, Damour said.

Most of that distress will probably be appropriate to their circumstances. If a teenager failed a test, we expect they will be upset about that. If somebody breaks up with them, we expect they will be very sad. What we are interested in is how the teenager then goes on to manage their feelings. What we want to see is that they use strategies that bring relief and do no harm, such as talking to people who care about them, finding brief distractions or solving the problem, Damour noted.
There is excellent scientific evidence that the mere act of putting an unwanted feeling into words reduces the sting of that emotion.
What we do not want to see — and where we become alert to the possibility of a mental health concern — is one of two things. One, teenagers are using strategies to bring relief that actually come at a cost: So a teenager who is very distressed and then smokes a lot, or a teenager who is having a hard time with a friend and then goes after that peer on social media.

The other thing we do not want to see is feelings “running the show” — when they get in the way of a young person’s ability to do the things they need to do, such as go to school or spend time with peers.

If a teenager comes home from school and seems sad or angry, what is the best way for an adult to respond?Usually, the psychologist explained, all they need from us are two things. One is curiosity — to take an interest in what they are sharing, to ask questions. The other is empathy — letting them know that we are sorry that they feel that way.

There is excellent scientific evidence that the mere act of putting an unwanted feeling into words reduces the sting of that emotion. So when it is 9pm and your teenager is standing in front of you suddenly describing that they are feeling very anxious, or unhappy or frustrated, the most essential thing to remember is that they are already on their way to feeling better because they put those emotions into words.

What if your teenager says something cruel to you?It is perfectly fine for kids to be angry. We should expect that. What we do put parameters around is the expression of that anger, Damour said.

When teenagers use hurtful language, it can be useful to respond in a way that uncouples the feeling from how it was expressed. We can say things along the lines of: “You may be very angry with me. And you probably have a point. But we don’t speak to each other that way, so take a minute and bring it back to me in a more civil way.” Even if a teenager rolls her eyes, she will get the message and, hopefully, try again when she has cooled off.
Teenagers are organized around the drive toward autonomy. They would rather not be subjected to an adult’s agenda. When we ask them questions at times that work well for us, we are asking them to cooperate with our agenda
What does it mean to allow kids to talk to parents on their own terms?
Many parents find that they ask brilliant questions over dinner and come up empty-handed — they get one-word answers if they are lucky. Later in the evening, their teenager is as chatty as can be.

Teenagers are organized around the drive toward autonomy. They would rather not be subjected to an adult’s agenda. When we ask them questions at times that work well for us, we are asking them to cooperate with our agenda, Damour explained. We need to be open to the possibility that a teenager may be most forthcoming when they are the ones who initiate the conversation.

That may mean they want to talk to us at times that we are not expecting or even find inconvenient. And they want to talk about things that may not be at the center of our attention. But if we want to cultivate and protect our connections with our teenagers, an important element of that is being willing to work with their terms of engagement.

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