The role of physical therapy for athletes

patient doing physical rehabilitation helped by therapists
(Photo: Freepik)
AMMAN — Physiotherapy for athletes, including professionals, involves the application of manual therapeutic techniques to help treat or prevent injuries resulting from daily training as well as strenuous exercise.اضافة اعلان

A physical therapist uses manual techniques to help improve movement and joint health, increase muscle efficiency, and reduce injury, which in turn boost athletic performance. This enhances body work, productivity, and athletic performance, as well as reducing exposure to injuries during training.

By following plans developed by a physiotherapist, any athlete can attain the required athletic performance in safe and effective ways. These plans should be based on the latest studies and research on physiotherapy for athletes.

Of course, a physical therapist must have the experience and skills required to provide appropriate services and treatment plans for athletes.

Physical therapy has an impact on the athletic performance of athletes in the short and long terms. In the short term, physiotherapy can improve body performance and reduce pain during training or a match, which also helps reduce the risk of injury.

In the long term, physiotherapy can improve the health of an athlete’s body in athletes, reduce long-term risk of injury, and increase the vitality of organs and tissues, which helps to improve sports performance in the long term and increase mobility.

Physiotherapy for athletes can be divided into several categories, including:1 – Conservative treatment: When the player is exposed to injuries that do not require a doctor’s intervention surgically, such as simple ankle sprains, tendon infections, or even partial ligament and cartilage injuries that do not require surgery, the role of the physiotherapist at this stage is to follow a treatment plan determined by a specialist doctor to help the athlete recover and restore the functional and muscular movements of the injured are until he or she returns to practice sports activities normally.

2 – Treatment of athletes after surgical operations: In the event that the athlete suffers an injury that requires surgical intervention by a doctor specializing in sports injuries, the role of physiotherapy begins from the first day with following up on the athlete’s health from within the hospital to the post-discharge stage. Treatment protocols must be tailored to each athlete and determined based on the surgical procedure, the extent of injury, and the period of treatment set by the specialist doctor until the player returns to his or her sports activities.

3 – Recovery sessions and therapeutic massage: In these cases, a specialized therapist follows up with the athlete through manual sessions using various therapeutic methods to improve the athlete’s performance and avoid any injuries during exercise. This type of treatment, of course, helps relieve muscle and joint pain resulting from strenuous exercise.

4 – Periodic check-ups: These check-ups should be based on international, scientifically proven methods to measure the readiness of each athlete, whatever the sport they practice, by conducting functional checks and examining the range of motion of the joints, muscle strength, and flexibility.

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