Warning... Washing Fruits is Not Enough to Remove Toxins!

Warning... Washing Fruits is Not Enough to Remove Toxins!
Warning... Washing Fruits is Not Enough to Remove Toxins!
A new study has confirmed that washing fruit is not enough to remove harmful chemicals and pesticide residues sprayed by farmers.

The study, recently published in the journal Nano Letters of the American Chemical Society, revealed that the health risks posed by pesticides do not disappear simply by washing fruits. There is a significant likelihood that individuals are consuming these contaminated products daily.اضافة اعلان

The purpose of the study was to share a technology that researchers hope will improve the detection of pesticides in food products. However, it also proved that washing is insufficient when it comes to removing chemicals. The study pointed out that "cleaning processes cannot completely remove pesticides from fruit."

Researchers noticed that during their examination of pesticide contamination in apples, the pesticides had penetrated the skin and reached the flesh. However, when the apple’s skin and the top layer of flesh were removed, the contamination significantly decreased.

Dong Dong Yi, a professor at the College of Materials and Chemistry at Anhui Agricultural University and the study's author, hopes people will resort to peeling fruits instead of panicking.

The research suggests that peeling fruit can effectively eliminate all pesticide residues, in contrast to washing them repeatedly.

The study found that "the risk of consuming pesticides from fruit cannot be avoided by simple washing, unlike peeling, although this reduces the nutritional value of the fruit."