Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Watch, and you'll see a pattern form that will help you make up your mind. Call on someone who offers sound advice, and you'll come up with a plan that will put your mind at ease and give you something to celebrate.  اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Don't let uncertainty hold you back. Check off all the boxes and forge ahead with confidence. It's up to you to make things happen and turn your ideas into something substantial. Celebrate what you accomplish with someone you love.  

GEMINI: Don't lose sight of your goal. Set your radar on your target, and don't stop until you are happy with the results. Steer clear of anyone who tends to meddle or entices you to be indulgent. Take your responsibilities seriously.  

CANCER: Use your skills and knowledge to find a distinct way to get ahead. Partner with someone who has something to contribute, or discuss your ideas with an expert who can help you focus on what you want to achieve.  

LEO: Consider indecisiveness a red flag and say no. Spare yourself the worry and stress of getting involved in something that makes you feel uneasy and vulnerable. Protect what you have worked so hard to achieve, and nurture meaningful relationships.  

VIRGO: Live in the moment, observe what's going on around you and learn all you can to help you turn your skills and attributes into a lucrative commodity. Socialize and network with like-minded people, and promising opportunities will open up.  

LIBRA: Put a halt on joint ventures or shared expenses. Divvy up what's yours and what's not to protect against loss or take care of damage control. Go it alone if you want to get things done.  

SCORPIO: You'll attract people who are disciplined and ready to take on additional responsibilities. Discussing your plans with a friend or relative will be enlightening and offer you many options to consider regarding your long-term goals.  

SAGITTARIUS: Do what suits your needs and helps you stay on course. Taking care of your responsibilities will also keep someone at arm's length who is trying to interfere. A serious approach to how you make and handle your finances is encouraged.  

CAPRICORN: Pay attention to detail, organize your thoughts and incorporate changes at home and to your schedule to ensure you reach your objective. A kind word will lift someone's spirits and give you a better chance to get what you want.  

AQUARIUS: Take note of what others do and how they act before you respond. Keep your thoughts to yourself, which will help you assess what's going on without making waves. Time is on your side, and patience will pay off.  
PISCES: It's up to you to bring about change if that's what's required. Don't wait for someone to make a move when taking the helm and making things happen will bring higher returns. Take a leadership position and call the shots.  

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