Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: There may be a twinkle in your eyes that attracts admiring glances. Pursue a new job or the object of your desires and you shouldn’t be disappointed. A friendship could develop a closer bond or romance edging towards commitment.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Give of yourself to get along with coworkers or loved ones, but keep an eye on your own needs, and boundaries too. If someone hurts your feelings, you have an opportunity to learn from and heal an old trigger point.

GEMINI: You might feel inclined to put forth a sincere effort to be sociable, and real friends love you as you are. Handle business at arm’s length, but to achieve deeper intimacy with a loved one, use hands-on affection

CANCER: Dig into your pockets with open hands; you may find you have plenty to share if an acquaintance is in need. A problem can only be solved once you acknowledge its existence. Find novel solutions and receive recognition.

LEO: Your head might be in the clouds, but your feet need to be planted firmly on the ground. Your optimism and commitment to doing your best can ignite a fire within others to follow your lead — your leadership inspires loyalty and trust.

VIRGO: Obtain some thoughtful guidance from a trusted adviser instead of acting on a whim. You could meet someone today who has your best interests at heart and offers selfless support. Seek out a meaningful life lesson.

LIBRA: Someone you deal with might demand your undivided attention or expect unconditional loyalty. Another person might charm you completely and give you a reason to smile. Do your duty to achieve your ambitions.

SCORPIO: Exercise some self-discipline and consider adopting a healthier lifestyle. Eat healthy food, move your body and get plenty of sleep. When you’re in shape, you’ll shine during upcoming presentations and appearances.

SAGITTARIUS: Follow your intuition and act on your charitable impulses. You can receive recognition for your creative ideas or wise assessments of people and projects. Wait for better timing to indulge in new investments.

CAPRICORN: Keep your intentions clean and unselfish. You could have better results if you deal with a reliable friend or referral from a family member than with a stranger. Be generous with your praise but cautious about spending.

AQUARIUS: Do your absolute best but don’t chase impossible perfection. Your ability to express your kinder instincts may be tested. A partner or loved one could give you the benefit of the doubt and help you get over hurdles and around obstacles.

PISCES: Be mindful about what you work for because you’re likely to receive it. Your thoughtfulness and optimism make it easy to leave things better than you found them. Make crucial plans and decisions with confidence.

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