Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Choose to excel rather than compete. Any assumption that you should always go first could conflict with someone else’s ambitious nature. Friendly overtures from intelligent people can raise your general self-esteem.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Keep your least-appropriate impulses well in hand. It might be tempting to fly off the handle over small stuff. By acting with wisdom and professionalism, you can avoid disputes and make financial dreams come true.

GEMINI: Apply insightful tactics and strategies. Your judgment about business and finances is likely better than usual and you can make headway by being part of a group of like-minded individuals. A partner might offer inspiring ideas.

CANCER: You don’t need to tolerate being bullied if someone tries to push you into making a quick decision before time. Promises to perform tasks should only be made if you have plenty of time to complete them.

LEO: Apply reason and intelligence when you begin a race, and you won’t be lost in the back of the pack at the finish line. There may be an opportunity to discuss your fondest dreams. Frank discussions could solve an impasse.

VIRGO: Straighten your crown. Embrace inspiration and make it pay off by replacing an alphabet soup of ideas with one worthwhile objective. Avoid snap financial decisions and consider the long-term outlook of investments.

LIBRA: You can choose to compete or to compromise. Quiet your desires so you can hear your soul speak. Although you may instinctively want to defend your territory, you can also imagine how to create a lasting peace.

SCORPIO: Practice self-mastery and be forgiving if a partner or loved one loses their temper. Be the wise one in the room and make the first move toward reconciling a conflict. Use intelligent tactics to address financial decisions.

SAGITTARIUS: To score points, you must aim for the goalposts. Keep a happy home and a secure family in mind when you make key decisions and choices. A friend might need your advice or support but is afraid to ask.

CAPRICORN: Avoid compounding troubles by losing your cool. Remain patient and level-headed when faced with brief periods of drama. Something fascinating may show up on your radar, but it might be best to try before you buy.

AQUARIUS: Friends or professional advisers will steer you in the right direction. Some people hope you will share practical solutions that have given you a safety net. Continue to build your nest egg while you look for new ideas.

PISCES: Build lasting contentment. A well-built ship can ride out the biggest storms without falling apart. A rock-solid faith in the future can allow you to remain steady no matter the provocation or circumstances.

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