Today's Horoscopes

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ARIES: Appreciate someone for their good points even when they display their rough edges. Even a prize-winning rose always has thorns. You may have a better time with friends than with someone you love now.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Pay your own way. A situation may arise in which you must demonstrate responsibility and maturity. Enjoy a good time at community events or group gatherings but be sure to chip in on expenses.

GEMINI: This is a good time to create a vision board and assemble a vision of how you want things to turn out. With a little imagination, you can stretch every dollar further than usual. Your persistence makes every task easier.

CANCER: You may temporarily be distracted by wishful thinking or blinded by surface appearances. Wait until your perceptive business instincts have returned to figure out how to get the best bang for your buck.

LEO: Steer clear of new romantic entanglements. You might be a savvy shopper, but today you could let your trustfulness take charge of your wallet. Focus on following through on a project or job that has captured your heart.

VIRGO: You may spend time imagining ways to find the resources for a dream vacation. Following a partner’s example of practicality may offer the best results. Keep your attention trained on achieving important long-term objectives.

LIBRA: Address relationship issues with great care. Focus on essential tasks and be understanding if you sense that tensions are building. Someone may be anxious about the details — be understanding and let everyone feel comfortable.

SCORPIO: Focus on the problem until you find the solution. A loved one might seem difficult to please or on the defensive. Your success in business and financial commitments depends on giving your word and keeping it.

SAGITTARIUS: You have the means to help someone get their way. You may be bombarded by someone’s hard to understand worries or called upon to offer frequent reassurances. You and loved ones should discuss joint goals.

CAPRICORN: Remain prudent about spending and passionate about finishing your self-motivated tasks. You may have a clever head for business, but don’t push your luck by using the credit card too often this weekend.

AQUARIUS: Organize your day, but do not dictate someone else’s. Too many plans on your schedule might mean that numerous details must be juggled. Remain polite and considerate even if you feel stuck with an awkward situation.

PISCES: Don’t clutter your home with too many objects and ignore the people within. You may be able to turn fanciful ideas into practical moneymaking projects. There may be wisdom in a suggestion that you are too quick to dismiss.

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