Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You likely have the energy to fan the flames that fuel your most exciting ambitions. You can be creative about business policies and using clever strategies to get ahead. Be on your guard about communications and sending mixed messages.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You may become more popular if your name is more familiar to others. The people you meet will likely remember you. Pay attention to your money and possessions since you could easily mislay your phone or car keys.

GEMINI: It may be tempting to play hide and seek with your ambitions. Other people might not notice that you have the drive and determination to really rise. Work diligently to favorably impact your career or reputation.

CANCER: Bring it. Every challenge seems to bring out your determination and resourcefulness. You might realize that a partner or loved one has hidden talents and can be an expert when dealing with emergencies.

LEO: Your conscientious attention to duty can put you in the spotlight. Your insightful observations and businesslike attitude can give you a firm foundation on which to build future success and material security.

VIRGO: You might be more optimistic than usual and willing to be cooperative with others. One of your financial or job-related obligations could come to an end more quickly if you continue to chisel away at it.

LIBRA: You are flexible enough to welcome new people and experiences. You might seem less troubled by serious concerns than other people when you build the confidence that you can handle whatever life throws at you.

SCORPIO: With your tenacity and resilience, there are few obstacles in life that you can't rise above. Take pride in your ability to work full out, and to still be able to play like a child, enjoying every new experience.

SAGITTARIUS: Avoid any temptation to put an unrealistic spin on problems or to offer assurances carelessly. A muddled mind might prevent you from operating at top capacity. Concentrate on achieving your goals.

CAPRICORN: You want more bang for every buck. You may love looking at labels because name brands usually offer something you can trust and rely upon. Your drive, initiative, and hard work should produce excellent results.

AQUARIUS: Clear out clutter and cut out anything nonessential. A messy desk or room can be a reflection of a messy mind. This is a good time to streamline your surroundings so that you can better handle your responsibilities.

PISCES: Blow off some steam with your crew first. Then, think though the situation to understand and find resolution for irritations caused by family members. Offer some leeway when someone makes mistakes.

IF OCT. 11 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: During the next few weeks, you can get a great deal accomplished and easily make essential changes. Your trustworthiness and skills shine brightly so you can effortlessly meet a new romantic partner if you’re single or secure a new job or better position. You have extra enthusiasm and abundant energy in late November, making this is a good time to lead others or enjoy sports, competitions and physical fitness. December is a good time for a vacation or romantic weekend excursion to satisfy your need to escape into your inner fantasies. Wait until late January when your cleverness is at a peak to make major business decisions or investments. In late February, your hard work might be rewarded with extra recognition, or an opportunity might appear that you have been waiting for. 

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