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Today's Horoscopes
Magi Helena, Tribune Content Agency
last updated:
Oct 17,2022
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Enjoy chasing a romantic buzz. Innocent flirtations
might make the time go faster, but bottom line: you ultimately need to remain
loyal to your committed relationships. Keep your money out of harm’s way.اضافة اعلان
TAURUS: Race right along with the pack when it comes to
work. You might be tempted to use novel business tactics but will do better in
the long run if you stay with the crowd. Find common ground with any
GEMINI: Look for skylights in a glass ceiling. With a little
effort, you can climb higher and stand above the crowd. You can set an awesome
example as a role model and use your leadership skills to advance your
CANCER: Your home may be the center of your social life.
Loved ones and family members, however, may take extreme measures if their
desires are thwarted. Keep your money in your bank account and avoid new
LEO: Stay in your lane and keep your head down. This is not
a good time to clash with a boss or authority figure. Concentrate on building a
solid network of likeminded friends and companions who will help you achieve
your goals.
VIRGO: Be conscientious and respectful when handling your
money and possessions. A partner or loved one might imagine that you are clever
about negotiations and expect you to get the best deal on their behalf.
LIBRA: Sweetness can bring both happier and better results.
Be kindhearted to please a loved one or use your people skills to make a job or
business transaction run more smoothly. Your creativity is enhanced in group
SCORPIO: Your family life might be improved if you become
involved in a business network or local group activity. Someone may enjoy some
of the perks included with your job or you might learn some useful techniques.
SAGITTARIUS: A companion’s keenness for competition could be
contagious. Someone may show you how to take the initiative and spark new
objectives. Wait for better timing to make investments work on your behalf.
CAPRICORN: You may be someone who will dig in so you can get
the job done, when others dig in their heels and refuse to budge. Continue to
persevere with any project that relies upon persistent effort and commitment.
AQUARIUS: It might feel somewhat stressful to get something
completed. Put social activities on your to-do list and participate in
community events. Money is a tool to use to develop tactics that makes this
work for your best interests.
PISCES:Someone’s sympathy and understanding can make any
worries or issues seem to disappear like magic. Your ability to appreciate
things of beauty and be in harmony with loved ones might conflict with your
business practices.
IF OCT. 17 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Because your insight and
practical know-how is probably at a high point during the upcoming week, you
could be more skilled and successful when making important financial or
business decisions. At the same time your openness and friendliness are
enhanced, making it easier than usual to widen your network of helpful
contacts. Your energy levels are high in November so that much can be
accomplished personally, and in your career. Amorous activities might be in the
stars for lovebirds in December when you can make a few of your daydreams true
by visiting exotic locations or enjoying a break from reality during a
vacation. Duty calls in January when you likely must show you are responsible
and exercise self-discipline.