Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Plant seeds and don’t worry about when they’ll sprout. This is probably not a good time to challenge someone’s opinions or to force an issue. You can’t predict whether tender hidden feelings might be hurt.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Put finishing touches on a project until it is perfect. Take pride in possessions and make them last longer by taking good care of them. Find time in your busy schedule to do those little tasks that clear your head when done.

GEMINI: If you use all your mental prowess, you can land on your feet like a cat. You may be busy but you can find time to referee a dispute between friends or coworkers. Sharpen your study skills to gain priceless know-how.

CANCER: Keep a steady hand on the rudder of your family and finances. This isn’t a good time to force an issue with a partner or take a chance with your money. Steer clear of making crucial promises and commitments.

LEO: Pressing issues may remain unresolved despite your best efforts. Avoid going to extremes or acting on petty jealousies. This is likely not a good time to sign a business contract or take on new commitments and partners.

VIRGO: You may regret tossing the dice. Don’t let yourself be pressured to do something foolish. There is no good reason to risk your money or take drastic actions. Everything should fall into place if you remain patient and wait.

LIBRA: You might be blind to manipulation and coercion now. This is a time when you will be happier if you turn down a romantic invitation and avoid flirtations. Hold off on making major decisions and starting new projects.

SCORPIO: Someone might be sending mixed signals. You may feel that your privacy is invaded or that a loved one is deliberately trying to arouse your jealousy. Avoid a temptation to overreach the limits of your authority.

SAGITTARIUS: Walk your talk to retain people’s respect. Avoid being distracted by trivialities and remain focused on your goals. Do not incur unnecessary expenses today or make expenditures that you might regret later.

CAPRICORN: Fight off any pangs of envy. Ambitions and deep desires can show you where you need to build more in your life. What seems like a mountainous obstacle today may prove to be merely a tiny molehill in a few days.

AQUARIUS: Your work or a project may require you to be thorough and precise. Slow down as much as you need to to focus on your numerous tasks. A business relationship may seem to be at a stalemate that only time will cure.

PISCES: When you are understanding and sympathetic you can turn a misunderstanding over money or values into a teachable moment. Let unconditional love flow freely and let a new inspiration improve your life.

IF OCT. 19 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You have the street smarts and insight to work toward making your material goals a reality during the next week to two weeks. Your ambitions may be supported by new friends and group activities or participating in organizations and clubs. In the second half of November, you may find it difficult to escape from juggling facts and figures and might find life less exciting than usual. December brings more joy and fun with family and friends, plus your business senses are likely enhanced, making it a good time to make financial plans, strategies and decisions. In late December and early January, you could be more romantic and lighthearted, so you may relish a vacation or weekend excursion. You can be back in harness in the second half of January and may need to be well organized and prepared for extra duties.

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