Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Have a backup plan. Today’s itinerary may change quickly due to unforeseen circumstances or someone changing their mind. Focus on activities where you only need to rely on yourself today.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Show your loyalty. Display your true caring towards a friend or loved one by giving all the support you can during a difficult time. Make certain that you’re being realistic about romantic dreams and aspirations.

GEMINI: Dare to be different. Breaking up boring routines by trying something new and exciting may be just what you need to improve your mood. A new friend’s views and insights could really open your eyes.

CANCER: Put your blinders on. Insulate yourself off from distractions while working or you could end up solving someone else’s assignments instead of your own. A valuable lesson can always be learned from any mistake.

LEO: Throw caution to the wind. Embrace your adventurous side by accepting an invitation or exploring something new with a romantic partner. There’s not much to be gained by sitting home and binging TV.

VIRGO: We see what we want to see. Don’t allow your heart to supersede your mind in romantic matters or you could end up in the wrong situation. Avoid mistaking casual flirtation for an indication of love.

LIBRA: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. You should avoid making too much of a commitment to any one plan because what works today may not work tomorrow. Your charm and charisma can be a big hit tonight.

SCORPIO: Make the world take a step back. Romantic goals may get set aside if you get caught up in entertaining your tribe. You’ll find it far easier to truly express yourself if you focus on romantic pleasures tonight.

You may push too hard. Coming on too strong could scare a potential romantic partner away so work on being a friend first before advancing to the next level. Carefully navigate someone’s personal space.

CAPRICORN: Be the strong one. Provide support to your romantic relationships by setting your partner at ease and providing a shoulder to lean on. Exploring new ideas and exotic places makes the evening memorable.

AQUARIUS: Don’t stray too far from home. Enjoy the start of the weekend with friends but stick to places that you are already familiar with and know you like. Relax and roll with it if or when someone changes their mind.

PISCES: Be subtle. Putting on an overly dramatic persona and becoming the center of attention tonight could scare off potential romantic partners so try to fly under the radar. It’s not a good time to stand out from the crowd.

IF OCT. 28 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Steer clear of irrational people and influences that could distract you from more important subjects as the next three to four weeks unfold. Use a practical and businesslike approach to handle any oddly disturbing situations. As early December arrives, your astute observations and savvy financial ideas could be more successful and profitable, possibly because you might have a group of friends and contacts who are happy to support and follow your lead. Your enthusiasm for romantic outings and inspiring experiences may multiply in January, making it a good time for vacations and romantic outings. Any offer or opportunity that arrives could help you realize your dreams. Get back to work in February and become more organized so you can better handle your responsibilities.

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