Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)

ARIES: Your plans are more likely to backfire now. You might not be the center of attention or have the tools to push your agenda. Your best tactic is to remain off of people’s radar and handle your duties quietly.


TAURUS: You may need a little more space to be yourself. Show off your talent for connecting with others on their level. Improve the mood at any meeting or social gathering by knowing when it is time to change the subject.


GEMINI: Someone’s criticism may feel uncomfortable, but if you think about it, their intention was probably to be helpful. There could be cross currents that set tempers on edge, but you are understanding enough to forgive and forget.


CANCER: Give everyone a warm welcome. Having a good time chatting with others and socializing might not seem productive. However, developing new business and social contacts can open many doors for you.


LEO: You might wonder if you should try to grow a thicker skin. Find a balance between being self-protective and overly defensive. Focus on being cheerful and kind and put your business ambitions on the back-burner.


VIRGO: Putting on a happy face may be your best option. Despite feeling low or lonely, making an effort to be optimistic and upbeat is the best course. Right now, revealing your vulnerability could only attract negativity.


LIBRA: Ask the hard questions; don’t just go along for the ride. Gathering information makes it possible to act appropriately. Do your best to get through the routine tasks with enough energy to enjoy some fun and excitement later.


SCORPIO: Learn from your mistakes. Experiment with an original approach to solving problems and receive insights into easy solutions. A partner or loved one might change some plans just to accommodate your needs.


SAGITTARIUS: Change the channel. Don’t become entangled in someone else’s drama. Process any restlessness, doubts or negativity so you can focus your energies on positive thoughts and worthwhile objectives.


CAPRICORN: There are stars in your eyes. Your mood may be elevated by upcoming gatherings or entertaining activities. You could be happiest when you spend time with a romantic partner or are surrounded by kids or pets.


AQUARIUS: Worry can’t change the future. Agonizing over whether a strategy will work out as planned won’t get you anywhere. Enjoy the process of planning in its own right, then focus on addressing any potential pitfalls or drawbacks.


PISCES: Trouble might travel in packs. Guard against making impulsive decisions or acting from anger. Be prepared for any contingency since some problems may be hidden from view or arise from unexpected sources.

 اضافة اعلان

IF DEC. 22 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Even those with your very best interests at heart may find it difficult to help you make money during the next four to five weeks. You may be careless or gullible, so you could be deceived or make a major mistake. You might be unrealistic about business and financial goals and romanticize a person or situation that is unworthy of your attention. The first half of March is a good time for a vacation or to develop a creative idea, but your financial astuteness may be at a low point. New friends can brighten your life in April. You should be wiser than usual in the first half of May but you could also feel weighed down by responsibilities. Handle your duties well and you might receive an opportunity for advancement. Wait until July, when both your street smarts and business acumen are at their peak, to make financial decisions or changes.


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